Monday, 28 September 2009

Earn money from Ebay - WITHOUT selling!!

Ebay Affliates
If you're looking for a way to earn income from eBay without having to actually sell anything yourself, the eBay affiliate program is something to consider. eBay offers a staggering array of options for affiliates to utilize eBay's marketplace and its content for potential referral revenue. Search engine marketing, banners, auction feeds and Web Services are all part of eBay's offer to help affiliates profit from "the world's online marketplace."

Getting Started
Though the affiliates program is specifically not intended to market your own auctions (that's actually against eBay affiliates terms of service), to get started you do need to be an eBay member. The actual affiliate program itself, in terms of registration, tracking, payment and "some" of the linking options is done via Commission Junction, so you'll need to get an ID there as well. This is easily done by going to . Approval for the eBay program is almost instantaneous so you'll be able to get right into the thick of it immediately.

It's important to understand eBay's commission structure so that you'll have a reasonable expectation of what to expect in terms of potential revenue. eBay pays out affiliate revenues for two things:

1. Links that convert when a New "active" user registration occurs. The new user must either use Buy It Now or place a bid within 30 days of initial registration to be considered active.
2. Links from which a user bids on an item or uses Buy It Now (BIN)

Both of those items are volume indexed so the payout increases as you get more bids/user signups. As of February 2005, eBay will pay a minimum of $20.00 for every new active user registration (when you have 1-499 monthly active registrations) and a maximum of $45.00 (when you have over 7,500 monthly active registrations). For bid/BIN the minimum payout is 0.10 per bid/BIN (1-999 bids) and a current maximum of $0.25 per bid (over 100,000 bids).

Volume, not final sale value, is the primary and only real mechanism to increase your eBay affiliate revenue. Volume in terms of users that click through and convert via any and/or every possible mechanism that eBay provides is the goal. It's not a necessarily easy task, but then again the most worthwhile things in life hardly ever are.

Affiliate Links
There are three principal methods of building the media links for an eBay Affiliates program:

•The Commission Junction interface
•Banners, boxes, leaderboards, skyscrapers and search
•The eBay Affiliates website
•Product Kit media units, Flexible Destination Tool, Editor Kit (integrated eBay listings)
•Web Services
•Full XML feeds and calls

The Commission Junction eBay interface offers up to 5 pages loaded full of various affiliate banners and links of all sizes and shapes for you to choose from. As with all Commission Junction programs Earnings Per Click (EPC) for the last 7 days and the last 3 months are listed on the same row as the media unit. (On March 29, 2005 for all eBay Affiliates media Commission Junction reported a 7-day EPC of $4.22 and a 3-month EPC of $3.65).

As always, the goal of the media unit is to entice the user to click through and then convert. With the over saturation of eBay in the online media landscape getting a user to click and then convert on a media unit is not an easy thing to do. However it is "easy" with Commission Junction to view the highest performing units (on an EPC basis) for the last 7 days and 3-month reporting period and use that data to help you choose which particular media units may work best for you.

As of March 29th, 2005 a 120x60 unit with a "Free Shipping" shipping message yielded one of the best 7 and 30 day EPC rates with a 7 day EPC of $59.21 and 3 Month at $50.47.

The various Search box units are also a solid option since a user will likely enter something into the dialogue box to search, which involves a greater degree of thought (and thus intention to act and possibly convert) than simply clicking on a banner, box, skyscraper media unit.

Advanced Affiliate Links the Easy Way
Though you can potentially be successful with the Commission Junction buttons, banners and links, there are more effective ways to entice users to click.

An example of an eBay affiliate search box available through Commission Junction.

The eBay Affiliate site offers excellent browser based tools to create advanced links and even site integration with simple and easy to use online interfaces. Users will click (and are more likely to convert) for items that are of interest especially if you've got them on a site where they are contextually relevant. Instead of using a "plain Jane" eBay link from Commission Junction, the Product Kit Media units online application lets you create customized ad units (at custom sizes) with products (from Books, Cameras & Photo, Cell Phones, Computers & Networking, Consumer Electronics, DVD & Movies, Music, Sporting goods, and Video games) and prices pulled directly from the eBay marketplace.

The Editor Kit allows you to pull in eBay auction (or just BIN if you so choose) listings into your site with the use of a script snippet that is placed on your site page. It is customizable by color, number of listing, keyword, category and seller. Personally, I think the "Editor Kit" is the wrong title for this killer affiliate app. I'd call it an integrated eBay auction list kit because that is what it does.

The key with both the product kit and the editor kit is to make them look like they are part of your site by matching colors and by placing the units in a place where they make sense. For the Editor Kit, you can literally use it to create a listing site of your own that will then feed you referral revenue when a user clicks through and bids (or signs up for the first time so that they can bid on an auction they saw on your site's listing). It is not as elegant as the eBay Web Services API, but it is infinitely easier to execute and it's free to start and deploy.

Search engine marketing is a great way to help generate traffic for an affiliate site and, as an eBay affiliate, it's also a direct mechanism for revenue generation.

As opposed to Google AdSense or Amazon Associates, eBay promotes the use of its affiliate program for more than just traditional content (sites and newsletters) but search (both natural and paid) as well. So with eBay you could potentially be an affiliate without even having a website. For example you could potentially use Google AdSense to buy an ad for the express purpose of linking with eBay affiliate code (for a landing page on eBay) so that you'll have the potential to earn referral revenue. eBay's terms of service do not allow affiliates to bid on the term "eBay" but just about everything else is wide open.

Using paid search to generate eBay affiliate revenue is a tricky game, though. Using Google as an example, it costs a minimum of .05 per click for a Google AdWords keyword and you'll only earn a minimum of .10 per bid (and of course that only occurs if the user actually converts and bids). So if you're not careful you could easily end up spending more on your campaign than you do actually generating revenue. That's not to say that it can't or doesn't work; you just need to be very mindful of your ROI.

By using eBay's Editor Kit, you can create your own auction listing pages, customised to fit in with any Web page.

eBay makes it dead easy to create affiliate links for paid search engine listings with its Flexible Destination Tool. What "flex" does is create a text link with your affiliate tracking code that you can use on a search site (ie. Google AdWords) or in any other content context.

Reporting and Optimization
All reports are driven via Commission Junction, even for links not generated on that site. That could lead to a problem if you don't specify your shopper ID (SID) on the eBay generated links. SID is an option on all of the online tools and should be utilized to help track the actual transaction level metrics for the advance units. With all of the units and linking opportunities available it's critically important to track your affiliate progress. If something isn't working then change it — there's not shortage of options.

To state the obvious, users will bid on items that they want. It's your job to show them what they want. If you're using eBay affiliates to drive incremental revenue for an existing site then be sure to make sure that your links are contextually relevant and appeal to the products your audience is likely to want.

By showing the products that people want, you're also more likely to entice new users to register with eBay which is where you'll get a bigger revenue boost thanks to the new $20 minimum (it sure is better than waiting for 2000 bids @ $0.10 a pop isn't it?) According to eBay, "Two-thirds of all users register in order to purchase or bid on an item they want."

If you're using eBay affiliates as its own "unique" revenue generation engine (that is you're going to create a site or a search engine campaign specifically to profit from the program), you should recognize that certain categories have higher conversions than others. Thanks to eBay's commitment to growing its affiliate base, they make it easy for you to learn what the hottest categories are in a monthly report and is offered for free to affiliates.

Keys to eBay Affiliate Success
•Use Commission Junction to determine and select creative units with high earnings per click.
•Use the Editor Kit to show eBay listings
•Put units on pages where they'll be contextually relevant
•Read eBay's hot market report to choose categories with higher conversions
•Use Shopper ID (SID) to enable proper tracking

Just like eBay itself, where there are plenty of sellers that make good money from the site, the opportunity to make good money from eBay affiliates is also there. Take advantage of the Traditional media units (banners, boxes, skyscrapers, search), auction feeds from the Editor Kit and Product Kit units that eBay offers. Load them up with stuff that people want and keep monitoring, testing and adjusting to meet whatever goals you've set for your efforts.

Above all, though, be realistic with your expectations for revenue so as to avoid getting discouraged early on. At $0.10 a bid to start, it really doesn't sound like much and it certainly will not lead to overnight wealth. But with continuous improvement, new user registrations as well as bids and of course time, those dimes might very well add up to nice pile of cash.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

How to make money using blogs lesson 5

Hello again and welcome back.

I'm glad your still with me and I hope you have been following along with a blog of your own. In case you are feeling all alone in your endeavors I want to introduce you to one of my readers that has taken the bull by the horns and started his first blog and is proving to be quite prolific. His online nom de plume is Black Hat Jack and I will get back to Jack in a moment.

First I will give you a little glimpse of what I have in store today. I am assuming that everyone now has a blog set up according to my previous lessons. Last lesson I told you to find a niche. I didn't go into much detail about this at the time as I figured I would let you stew over it for a few days. Some of you may have come up with a decent paying niche but I'm sure most of you are still scratching your heads wondering how to find one. My favorite email this week came from Cindy H. (hi Cindy I told you I would mention you - there I did) and all she wrote was

Subject: NICHES


Subtle and effective - I like that. I received several other emails looking for help as well. (by the way there are 33 of you that are corresponding with me over these lessons so you are not alone and anyone I haven't heard from please join in, I would love to check out your site). Anyway, I will cover niches in some depth today so you can all stop fretting over it. I will mention now that I am going to advise you to purchase a program later and yes it will be through an affiliate link - this means I will make a few dineros off of you if you buy it. Before you roll your eyes at me I haven't come this far just to plug a product, in fact I have avoided trying to sell anything as much as possible as I am trying to build up a base of like minded people who can all share and help one another succeed online. There is far more value to having online friends than making the odd one-off sale. (more on this later)

In fact I am just warning you ahead of time that I want to discuss 3 programs that I use a lot and have no qualms about recommending. Having said that I will tell you that two of them are not necessary at this stage of your development but you will need them later if you stick with this. The third program is something you probably should look at now if you are in any way serious about making money online. It has everything to do with finding the right niches. (for those that can not afford it I will help you out using my version until you get up and running - more on this later)

The long and short of it is that if you do end up purchasing these programs then I have used my links because I can't think of a better person for you to give your money to than me. (OK maybe sick kids) The intent of this lesson is not to make sales but to discuss the things you will have to do and the programs that do it. As I said, I don't want your money but if you are giving it away anyway...

All right, that's it for the pre-amble, let's get to the meat.

First let me show you what my new friend Black Hat Jack is up to. After following the lessons Jack sent me an email and asked me to take a look at his new blog. He said he wasn't adverse to me "ripping it to shreds" so here is my review of Jack's blog. You can see it for yourself here: Internet Marketing Rant and I wont be too critical as I think he is on the right track.

Jack's first post was Feb 13, 2007 and he has kept up a pretty stiff daily posting schedule which is impressive. The site is not yet indexed on Google and I would like to throw out a few tips that he could use to tweak the site;


- at the moment the site is user friendly for people but he might consider using a larger font. I have found that a lot of people can't see very well and have noticed a longer visit length (using my stat reports) on the blogs that I use a larger font on. Blogger lets you customize the fonts in the template section "Fonts and Colors". I find the "Georgia" font enlarged 1x gets the best results for text posts. Try and use one or at most 2 colors on your blog. More than this can be distracting and takes away from the aesthetic look.

- while user friendly for people he has not tweaked it for the search engines yet. By this I mean that his blog is quite broad in the sense of topics and the search engines like to pigeon hole sites by the keywords used. In Jack's case Google will not have a clear idea of what his keyword (niche) is.

From the title "Internet Marketing Rant" we know that "Internet Marketing" is his main keyword but his posts don't back up the title. This is easy to fix. Without changing his post subjects he simply needs to add his keyword at the beginning and end of each post and if possible make one instance in bold.

For example his last post begins

List Of Article Directories Part 2 (The Header)

"It's been a busy week so not had chance to post more of my article directory list. Here is part 2 I will try and post part 3 tomorrow." (the Post)

To optimize his keyword I would make the following change.

Internet Marketing - Article Directories List | Part 2 (for the header)

and at the end of his post I would add a quick recap blurb such as;

"Look for Article Directories List Part 3 on my next post here at Internet Marketing Rant."

By making these additions the search engines will know the blog is about "Internet Marketing" (main Keyword) and also "Article Directory Lists" (secondary Keyword).

Use your keyword at least 5 times for every hundred words you write. In Jack's case the search engines will pick up the keyword "Article Directory" as he uses it a few times but will not register "Internet Marketing" as a keyword.

Note: Do not use your keyword(s) more than 6-7 times per hundred words or your site will be flagged as a spam blog and dropped from the search engines - this is VERY important.


Jack has optimized his adsense ads correctly. Always place adsense in the top left corner or top center (these ads always get more clicks than any other location) The next best location is in the side panel and finally at the bottom. Studies have shown that the most viewed area of any site is the top left and decreases as you move down and to the right. In fact the lower right corner of a website or blog is dead man's territory as hardly any one reads this section.

Keep this in mind when designing your blog. People view pages on the internet differently than a magazine or newspaper. They SCAN first and read second. Most people do a quick once over and look for anything interesting when viewing a new page. If you want to get them to read something then make your main points jump out at them in the top left corner by using a bold header. You must grab them immediately or they will leave and never notice that you were offering $1,000,000 free to the first person who emailed you.

When in doubt think about how you read pages on the net. Do you start at the beginning and read every word through to the end? Probably not. Most people check out the headlines - then the index (still looking for headlines). If they haven't found a title that interests them by this point they usually leave. You may well have all the info they want but without an eye catching headline you will lose them.

One last thing I want to talk about before leaving Jack's Blog. Jack is zeroing in on an area that all you beginners can benefit from. He lists the top search queries from several important directories. Jack didn't take long to zero in on one of the most lucrative aspects of blogging - I'm referring to hot niches. If you want some quick ideas on what you can build a blog around then his lists are perfect. Britany Spears is blog fodder. She is always in the news for good or mostly bad reasons and people want to read about her - I of course shake my head in dismay at this aspect of our culture - but know a cash cow when I see it. Everyday thousands of people search out the latest gossip on celebrities or hot products, new music, movies and so on. Build a blog around the hottest trend and "they will come".

Keep in mind that this mostly falls into the spam blogging sphere and you simply milk a subject till it cools off and then move on to another "Hot" subject. I will get into this in more detail in another post so stay tuned.

A few General Tips for getting Indexed


Go to feed burner and set up an account. This service is free and allows you to syndicate your blog to others. It also allows you to add all the little features you see at the bottom of my posts such as "Submit to Netscape | Save to | Digg This!" etc. These services are very important for getting indexed using the "Tag" system.

For example Google loves Delicious - if someone Tags your post on delicious Google will see it and index you much quicker. You can Tag your own posts (do it) but it is even better if a friend with a separate IP address does it as well. Technorati is also loved by Google and should be Tagged as well.

Once you get one blog indexed you can use it to post links to other blogs and this will speed up the indexing of them as well. Be sure the other blogs are related however as you don't want links that are irrelevant. Very Important - ONLY link related blogs!

Feedburner also provides a stats page for you which will tell you where your traffic is coming from, what pages are popular and more. They also tell you where your traffic goes when leaving. This is important if you are providing links for affiliate products. You want to know how many people click on these links as this will tell you how effective your sales pitch is. If you post an article about how wonderful FeedBurner is then you can follow up by seeing how many of your readers actually click the link and go to FeedBurner. If there are no clicks then you know that you need to work on your pitch. (I'll let you know how many people click the FeedBurner link on this page next time)

Keep this in mind - there are thousands of affiliate products you can sell online and you want to find the ones that convert the best. By using the "outgoing" stats you can eliminate the programs that don't convert and concentrate on the ones that make you money. Let's say that I have two products I want to test. I find that the links for both get clicked 100 times a day. I'll keep the product that shows up in my sales column and ditch the loser. Of course a loser is only a loser if it generates zero sales. If you only get 1 sale every 100 clicks you just have to get more traffic - simple. (OK traffic isn't simple but we will get to that subject in due course.)


I've said this before and it's worth repeating over and over again. WRITE some articles and post them on and Google absolutely loves these two sites and always ranks them high in the searches. Besides getting traffic to your site and backlinks, these two sites will help you get indexed fast. Because Google crawls these sites daily they will find your article and follow your embedded link back to your blog. Voila! You have been found and if you have optimized your site properly you will then be indexed. The more articles the better. The articles I post on are usually found doing a Google search within a few hours after posting them. That's fast folks. The trick to getting indexed is simple - get your backlink on a site that Google loves and presto! Using these directories is an easy way to do this compared to asking a page rank 5 site to post your link. (They won't unless you pay them, use blackmail or kidnap their kids)

Yahoo Answers

As much as this sounds crazy, since they compete with each other, but Google loves Yahoo Answers. You will regularly find Yahoo high in Googles listings. Go to, register and then start answering questions relevant to your site. Be sure to leave your link at the end of the answer. This will get you three things - traffic (sometimes lots of traffic if it's a popular subject), a great backlink and you will get indexed as Google crawls the site endlessly. Use this technique a lot - answer a ton of questions and you will get a lot of traffic. It is a very popular site.

Note: You'll notice that I didn't use a hyperlink for yahoo's URL. This is because I try and avoid two way links as much as possible. Yahoo answers has links pointing to this page and I don't want to reciprocate. Remember the search engines value one way links and frown on two way. Always keep this in mind when using links on your pages.

I will give you some more tips in future posts but I want you to concentrate on these for now. You have to get indexed before anything else can happen. To this end I have told those that have emailed me to give me their blog lists and I will Tag them on the directories as well as "Favorite" them on Technorati. I will also give them links from my indexed blogs if they are relevant. This is what I was referring to above about making friends online. Get to know others and you can all help each other out by doing things for each other that speeds things up. ie. Backlinks, "tagging" posts from different IP's, voting for best answer on yahoo, ranking articles on etc. These are all things that you can't do yourself - if you vote for your own answer on Yahoo they will know - but if 20 other people vote your answer the best then you will get a lot of traffic. (You can also help each other make some money by clicking you know what that G**gle doesn't allow me to say - but I'm sure you have figured that out by now. Just remember don't go overboard - G**gle can spot a recurring trend a mile away.) If any of you want my help just send me an email - I don't and never will spam you. Eventually I want to get all of you introduced to one another and you can begin working with each other. I will always ask your permission before doing anything.

On a personal note I have to say that everyone I have met so far is wonderful - there really are a lot of good people online and I hope you discover this for yourself. Best of all I still find it amazing that people from all over the world can get to know each other so easily and that this was next to impossible prior to the "net". Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has contacted me.

Ok drum roll please...


Finally got around to what this post was supposed to be about. Not that I'm long-winded or anything.

First off - the 3 products I use constantly.

Keyword Elite

SEO Elite

Brainstorm Generator

With a few exceptions these are all the tools you really need to get your blogs producing money. Let me start off by saying that there are other comparable products and I don't profess to know which is "better". These are the ones I use and since they provide everything I need I have no need to try the competition out. You can always check out the forums like Warrior or WhyDoWork and get opinions on what others think are the best. I do know that Wordtracker is considered a top notch keyword tool but I didn't like the monthly payment bit. I prefer to pay for something only once.

SEO Elite is probably considered the best tool for optimizing your sites but again there are others that may do most of the same things.

I haven't found another product similar to Brainstorm though. If any one knows of one please let me know and I will post it. Brainstorm finds the best keyword niches.

Note: You do not need any of these tools as you can do everything they do manually. This is fine when you are just starting out with one or two blogs. These tools should only be looked at once you begin to get the hang of this and a little money starts coming in. These tools simply save you an enormous amount of time and that will become very important once your little blog empire starts to take off.

Alright - how the heck do you find a niche and moreover a niche that is likely to produce some income. I am talking about long term profitable blogs and not the spam variety. (Jack's blog will give you plenty of ideas for short term blogs.)

To do this manually you can pick any topic you think might be good and using a free keyword tool (Overture - if it's working again, Good Keywords, Keyword Explorer etc - you can find links for these at Make Money For Beginners) you enter in your main keyword - let's say "Gardening" and run a search. You will get back a list telling you how many searches were done for that term the previous month as well as a list of related terms and their search numbers as well.

This will tell you how popular your term is.

Next you need to find out how many competitors you will be up against. Do this by using Google Search. They will show you a listing of relevant sites and how many pages are listed with your keyword. This is always shown at the top of the page.

A search for "gardening" shows me that there are 60,700,000 pages listed for that term. This is huge and tells you that this may not be a good niche for you to try and tackle right away. I say may not because it might be depending on the R/S factor.

R/S Ratio

This is a ratio of Results (competing pages) divided by the number of Searches done for the keyword. Your keyword tool shows you how many searches were done. Let's say that "gardening" was searched 1 million times last month. This would give an R/S ratio of 60 which is high but not impossible. Think of it this way - everytime someone did a search there were 60 pages of results for it. The more pages the harder it will be for you to compete.

Ideally you want a keyword that returns a R/S of 50 or less. To find these keywords you have to use two and three word keywords or more like "organic gardening" or "how to grow an organic garden". You may find that they only get searched 500 or 600 times a month but this is great if there are only 1000 pages of competition. You can easily beat out 1000 others to rank number 1 on the search list. At number 1 you may get most of the 600 searchers to your site and if you have the right product you will make money. Remember if this generates $100 a month in sales it will keep on doing that over and over again without you doing a thing. 10 sites doing this and suddenly you are making some decent money - recurring money.

The more general your keyword the more competition you will have. The more detailed your keyword the less competition and ironically the more likely you will make a sale. Huh? you say. Hear me out on this as it's important.

People searching for the term gardening are just browsing - they aren't looking to buy "gardening", how could they. They have a vague interest in something about gardening and are just out sunday driving. If someone searches for the term "How to grow bonsai trees" then you know they have a particular interest and are more likely to buy a product like an ebook that tells them "how to grow a bonsai tree". Get the picture. The more refined your keyword the more likely that the people who do find your site will be looking to buy something.


After figuring out your R/S ratio you want to find the KEI rating. This is a complex formula that kinda tells you how profitable a keyword might be by using a lot of factors that I won't get into right now. Generally the higher the KEI factor the better the keyword. I'm not sure how you can get this figure without a special tool like Keyword Elite aside from Googling "KEI" and copying the formula. Don't get to hung up on it though as most people don't put a lot of stock in KEI. It works better at telling you which keywords won't work as oppossed to which will.

Adsense Ads

Next you need to know how many adwords ads there are for your keyword. Google your keyword and count the ads listed on the right side of the search listings under the column "Sponsored Links". If there are no ads you might want to find a new keyword unless you have a killer product for the term. Generally no ads signifies that there are few searches of the term and probably no products either.

You will also want to know how much money the adwords ads cost the advertiser when clicked. Overture gives this info but as I said I'm not sure it's working. (I'm to lazy to go and find out) Google doesn't release this info.

One more thing - you can find out how profitable your niche is by tracking the adword advertisers. If you see different ads everyday or every week then that means nobody is doing well and they keep changing their ads or they stop advertising completely. If you see the same ads for weeks and months at a time then you know they are making money. Advertising is expensive and why would you keep spending money if you weren't making sales?

Oops... almost forgot. When you start to hone in on a good niche do a Google search using the " (quote) sign before and after the term. This will return a list of competitors that are optimized for the EXACT phrase and not the GENERAL phrase. I will explain.

If you do a search like this - how to grow and care for a bonsai tree - Google will return every page in the universe that has any or all of those terms in it - and they can be in any order. A page that tells you how to grow a big fat pumpkin will show up if they also mention that they quit growing bonsai's to concentrate on pumpkins. What I'm getting at is that the list generated by Google does not give you a good indication of how many REAL competitors you have. The pumpkin site really isn't a competitor of the bonsai site yet it is listed. By using the " symbol you are telling Google to give you a list of sites that only contain your term exactly - the same words in the same order. This will give you a much smaller list - sites that are optimized for your keyword only.

To compare the difference - how to grow a bonsai tree - gives a general list of 536,000 pages

The exact phrase - "how to grow a bonsai tree" - gives a list of 48,000 sites.

See the difference - this will help you in deciding on your keyword as you want to know how many REAL competitors you have. By the way I just picked Bonsai trees out of thin air but seeing these results tells me there is a market here - only two adword ads though which means not a lot of adsense income. If you had an ebook about Bonsai's this could be profitable as 48,000 competitors would be easy to out rank. Using this example I would now do a keyword search and see how many people are searching for the term. I just cheated and used Keyword Elite and this is what I found out. The table below is not how it looks on Keyword Elite - just the result of my quick cut and paste. I really should learn how to do this the right way. That's right - I'm too lazy.

Keyword --------Results---------Searches
grow nursery----1,360,000-------No Keyword Search Results
indoor grow-----1,650,000-------No Keyword Search Results
bonzai pots-----259,000---------No Keyword Search Results
tree soil-------10,100,000------No Keyword Search Results
pine tree-------3,360,000-------22,083.28
ficus bonzai----55,100----------359.08
nursery tree----1,350,000-------7,002.01
tree seeds------2,190,000-------9,066.71
elm tree--------1,640,000-------5,206.63
tree trunk------2,160,000-------4,368.78
pruning tree----1,270,000-------2,304.08
grow pots-------1,270,000-------1,526.08
tree roots------3,840,000-------4,458.55
grow pot--------1,900,000-------1,526.08
tree species----21,400,000------3,471.08
grow seeds------1,590,000-------209.46
grow indoors----1,230,000-------89.77
grow soil-------2,900,000-------149.62
tree types------39,000,000------1,047.31
how to grow a bonzai tree-------N/A-----No Keyword Search Results
how to grow a bonsai tree-------N/A-----No Keyword Search Results

Keyword---------R/S Ratio--Google Campaigns
grow nursery----N/A--------3
indoor grow-----N/A--------10
bonzai pots-----N/A--------10
tree soil-------N/A--------6
pine tree-------152.15-----8
ficus bonzai----153.45-----8
nursery tree----192.8------10
tree seeds------241.54-----10
elm tree--------314.98-----4
tree trunk------494.42-----2
pruning tree----551.2------8
grow pots-------832.2------10
tree roots------861.27-----1
grow pot--------1,245.02---1
tree species----6,165.22---1
grow seeds------7,590.88---6
grow indoors----13,701.77--6
grow soil-------19,382.99--2
tree types------37,238.26--4
how to grow a bonzai tree--N/A--N/A
how to grow a bonsai tree--N/A--N/A

Before knowing these results I would have thought there might be a market for this keyword. These results tell me otherwise. Neither the main keyword nor the associated keywords have low enough R/S ratios for me to look at them further. Too much competition for me. Notice how the keyword tool will find mis-spellings in the list. This is something you will want to pay attention to when selecting keywords. You can rank high for a mis-spelling as well. I'll bet as many people search for a Banzai tree as they do for a Bonsai tree or a Bonsai tree. Words like this guarantee mis-spellings. You will face less competition for the mis-spelling and find it easier to rank high as a result.

Take a site I have on Betta Fish. I optimized on page for "Betta Fish Compatibilty Chart" and another page for "Betta Fish Compatability Chart". Guess what. I get more traffic from Google for the misspelled keyword phrase. (I rank number 1) Traffic I would not get if I hadn't created the second page. If you find a profitable keyword and it has an obvious mis-spelling then create a second blog using the misspelled word.

By now you can see that finding keywords can be a tedious task and can take hours to weed out all the relevant info. This is manageable for one or two blogs but you can now see why you will want a keyword tool eventually. The Bonsai Tree is a good example as I came up with it after doing a few Google searches. At that point it looked promising. Had I continued on manually I would have spent an hour getting all the info just to find out it was a no go. The keyword tool came up with my answer in a couple of minutes.

Keyword Elite is all fine and dandy if you have already got an idea for a keyword. It doesn't find your ideas for you though. And this is the real trick to making money. I'll discuss SEO Elite in another post because I really want to discuss Brainstorm Generator as it will be of the most use to you.

Update: March 2008

Please disregard the following - as of March 2008 Brainstorm Generator has ceased to function properly. I have been led to believe that a fix is in the works but until I can verify that it is once again operating correctly please do not purchase it.

Brainstorm Generator

This program does the guessing for you. You can sit down and start writing out ideas of what you think might work or you can have Brainstorm Generator do it for you. It is a simple little program - actually there is not much too it, just a small screen on your console and nothing much to learn to operate it. Basically you pick a couple of parameters like telling it you only want keywords with a R/S less than ten or a KEI higher than 200 and a few other variables. Then you hit go and it searches the net for keywords that meet your criteria.

This is an example of what it spits out.

asics shoes--------8162---171000-----20---8--------$0.61-389
embroidery machine-23589--1130000----47---8--------$2.35-492
book bag-----------19005--1400000----73---8--------$0.57-257
rain boots---------23128--1350000----58---8--------$0.00-396

Each time you use the Generator it will give you 25 keywords just like this - random things that you would probably never think of. I just listed a few of the terms from a list I generated months ago. These results may not be valid now if some of you are thinking of using them. The point is that this tool comes up with ideas that you wouldn't and provides all the info you need to make a decision and does it all in one step.

All of these keywords are likely candidates but the keyword "Glowstick" jumps off the page. 20,000 searches and only 317000 pages of competition - thats not even a hiccup to overcome for top ranking. There is 8 adword ads for adsense income and the clicks will pay you roughly $2 a click. The KEI is very high (1346 it got cut off in my pasting hack job) - anything over 400 is good. Over 1000 screams money to be made. Best of all - Glowsticks are a product that can be sold! This is the ideal kind of Niche - lots of ways to make income, low competition, high click $ and lots of searches. This is why I love this program - it gives me ideas that I would never think of and best of all things that others will never think of. No competition. This my friends is the real secret to making money in amounts worth speaking of.

Anyway this has been an opus and I think it's time to stop for now. You now have an idea of how to track down a niche. For those that can afford it get Brainstorm and you will have 25 fresh ideas in an hour from now. (There is a video on how to use it and it takes about 1/2 an hour for it to generate a list) The instructions are quite simple. By the way it gives a different list each time it runs so that everyone using the program doesn't get the same keywords. (There are many variables you can use to get different lists with it).

For those of you that can't afford it just send me an email and I will send you a fresh list for you only. (If I post the lists on here everyone will use the same keywords) Each of you will get a different set of keywords. This will get you going till you can afford the tool yourself. If you give me your blog I can have it generate a list specific to the kind of blog you already have set up. This is a very cool feature.

Anyhow, get cracking.

Reminder: If you want me to check out your blog, let me know. Don't worry I won't put it on here unless you want me to. Thanks again to Black Hat Jack for his permission to use his site.

I will spend some time showing how to get your backlink building in high gear in the next post so stay tuned.

Sunday, 20 September 2009

How to make money using blogs lesson 4

As of this morning anyone searching for "Project Payday Review" on Google will see a blog I own in the number 1 position on the first page. I wrote the review and posted it on my make money for beginners blog on January 10, 2007 and just over a month later it is number 1 out of 1,270,000 competitors on Googles index. Who knows how long it will stay there but the point is that it IS there now. This is the result of a system I have been tweaking for some time regarding how to set up blogs for optimized traffic.

This is also the system I have been teaching you to do in the 3 previous lessons. I mention my page listing above not to brag, no far from it, but to encourage those of you who just don't want to put the time and effort into this to reconsider. Reaching page 1 on Google is worth the work. Think on this. It doesn't matter what or how you sell something online - you will still need customers, aka Traffic to make money. Getting your site on page 1 of Google gets you traffic - Free traffic. You can spend money and build a website or you can follow my directions and build a blog for free.

How to turn Traffic into Money

My make money blog is not set up to market products and as a result the "Project Payday" traffic is not earning me anything. I'm not an affiliate of "Project Payday" so people who read my review and sign up will not benefit me in any way. However my "make Money" blog is set up for other purposes which I will discuss later. I do have several other blogs that are optimized for selling products and I have got most of them listed on page 1 of Google as well. These blogs only do one thing. Sell the product. Google sends the traffic for free. I post 1 article a week to each of them and other than that they are forgotten. I spend my time creating new blogs and repeating the process over and over again. They don't all make money everyday but everyday some of them do. Combined they are averaging $106 a day. This might not seem like much to you but that's $3000 a month and my expenses are ZERO. Think on that before you say that you don't want to do the work.

Now that I have shown you the basics of setting up your blog let's discuss making some money with it.

Step 1.

Find a niche that will make money. This is all important as some niches are ready made for people who want to spend money and other niches won't produce enough cash for a cup of coffee.

Before running a keyword search you have to ask yourself what kinds of things people are willing to spend money on online. Music, electronics, books, travel, how to stuff, get rich quick stuff, personal development products and shoes all come to mind without thinking very hard. There are, of course, a lot more profitable niches than this.

The point is don't pick a niche that doesn't have an associated product or ebook that can be sold on it. You also want to be sure that there are adword advertisers for your niche.

One of the first websites I set up is about Betta Fish. It's a nice site with lots of info related to Bettas. After doing all the work and incurring the expenses involved in a website, I found out that there wasn't a lot of products that could be easily sold on the net for Betta fish. There were lots of adword advertisers though and I thought I would make some money from that at least. Wrong!

One of the ironies of setting up a good informative site is that if you do too good of a job people will stay on your site and read something that they came looking for. Then leave. This is fine if you have something to sell. I, unfortunately don't. This is when I started to think that I was providing to much info. To test this, I set up a series of free blogs on Betta fish but this time I put crap on the sites. (Yes I admit it) I still used all the right keywords so that they are optimized for the SERP's (Search Engine Results Pages) but now when traffic shows up they depart in a hurry. Usually they just close the page but a number of people click my ads. Bingo - I get more ad revenue from the crappy blogs than I do from the real website. This seems to work rather well with certain niches like pets. People are attached to their pets and when they need info they are determined to find it. The blogs are useless to them but when they see the ads, which appear to have the answers they need, it's easier to click the ad than do another Google search.

I am not saying that this is right or ethical. I am saying that people who make money with adsense use these techniques. As I have said before, no one in the business likes to admit this and they certainly don't divulge this to beginners.

Note: If you have been sucked into enough programs that promise to make you rich you start to realize that most of these programs give you just enough info to get you started but always seem to leave out the key ingredient. All the programs available that promise to show you how to make money with adsense are exactly like this. They tell you how to optimize your site, how to research keywords, how to find traffic and a few other details - everything in fact that you need to know to make money from adsense. And you will - maybe $1 a day. They don't tell you that you will need hundreds of sites to make any real money. Then again maybe they do but it's between the lines. The "lines" in this case would be the software that they flog. Stuff that generates unique content articles, programs that upload content to your sites automatically, automated forum posting, automated directory posting, automated guestbook posting, automated blog builders, automated website builders and the list goes on.

Why do you need automated software for anything? Because it's all about the numbers. To make money you need to create lots and lots of sites and you can't do this manually. Automated programs are spam programs - in the loose sense of the word. Spamming means many things and spam blogs are included in the definition.

I have received a number of emails asking me for info on these programs. I have been reluctant to tell you for a number of reasons. First, you need to know how to set up a "real" blog properly before you start duplicating it. Second I fear you will start down the spam path without knowing what your doing and spend a small fortune in the process. Thirdly, on a personal level, I have corresponded with many of you and realize that there are real people reading this and I like them, hence my conscience is weighing in on this. It's one thing to sell stuff to anonymous people who happen to find your site but it's harder when you know the people on the other end.

A few facts.

- most of the available software - while effective - requires some or a lot of knowledge about various aspects of computers, codes, operating systems, html, php, java script etc. Most beginners don't have the ability to work through this stuff and the producers of this type of software don't tell you about all the "bugs" and "fixes" needed to run the software before you buy it.

- every program I have used to date has "bugs". Most developers will issue fixes and updates as they get them but the fact is all software has bugs (Windows XP had hundreds when released) and this can't be helped as there are so many different computer setups that programmers can't take everyone in to account when building the program. They tend to build it for the most common applications .ie. Windows XP, 32 bit etc. In this instance a Mac user may have problems.

- this stuff is expensive.

- if you don't use the programs properly you will leave a spam footprint a mile wide that Google, among others, will see and at best your sites will get dropped and at worst you will be banned from adsense.

That said I will give you a list of some of the more popular software but without any links. That way I receive no affiliate fees and my conscience is clean if you pursue this avenue.

VooDoo Blogger - this program is designed to create thousands of crappy blogs. Has bugs but there is support given. This is a notorious spam program that doesn't make any bones about what it's for.

RSStoBlog - this is a legitimate program used to post content feeds automatically to your blog. Nothing wrong with this as lots of people use it to keep their sites up to date with fresh content. As with most automated software it can also be used to send content to all the spam blogs as well.

Forum Equalizer - this is simply a spamming program that lets you post messages on thousands of forums in order to leave a backlink to your site(s).

Guest Book Equalizer - same as the forum equalizer but you send posts to guest books instead. (leaving your backlink)

The following are not spamming software per se but can be used in conjunction with these other programs.

Article content generation software. There are too many to mention by name but they all do the same thing. (Google "Article Content Generation" for a list) They take articles that have already been written and change enough words and phrases to make it unique and then produce hundreds or thousands of unique variations of the same article. These can then be posted to thousands of blogs using RsstoBlog or a similar program.

I admit to using one of these programs but I only use articles that I write. This is to be certain that I don't get nailed for copyright infringement. If you don't set enough variables in the content generation program you could effectively produce an article that is only slightly different from the original and be guilty of stealing someone else's work. Be careful of this - I strongly suggest that you write your own articles. By the way there is no program that can create a readable article from scratch so beware any that advertise as such.

Article Submission Software - this allows you to automatically submit your articles to hundreds of directories. (a very time consuming process if done manually) You can Google this phrase for a list of available products. A word of caution - make sure your articles are well written before you submit them as most directories review articles before inclusion. Humans can tell if your article has been produced by spamming software and you won't get them posted.

Before spending a lot of money on this stuff I have put a link on the site to a program called "The OTO GoldMine". I came across this site in my travels and it seemed to be an ideal choice for beginners. You can join for free and make money by selling the products listed on the site with nothing more than an affiliate link. This is no different than other affiliate programs except that the product list here is as huge as any I've seen and has several very useful products. I also want to point out that they will try and sell you all these products when you sign up. The cost is $67. I mention this because a lot of the products in the list do the things I have just been describing - content generation software, blog submission et al. The price is astoundingly cheap for this kind of software that would cost hundreds of $ individually. (dam - that's sounds like a sales pitch and I don't want it to... old habits I guess)

What I am trying to say is that if you are going to invest in this stuff anyway then save yourself a lot of money and get it from this site. You can learn how to use the stuff and see if it is for you for a paltry sum in comparison to what you will spend searching for this separately. Anyway, whether you buy buy the products or not you should join for free and take advantage of the huge collection of products that you can promote on your site(s) and you only need one affiliate link. The nice thing about this is that they do all the selling - you just send them traffic and collect commissions.

This also applies to "The Ultimate Supertip" and "$7 Dollar Secrets" and the other programs I've listed before. These are ideal for beginners as they will sell faster and easier than most products. Why? They are cheap and they are easy to build a blog around. Optimize each blog as I have outlined previously using each program's name as your keyword. Write an article or two about each one and post them on your blog. Create a different set of articles for submission to the article directories like and then move on to your next blog and product. Remember the more articles you submit the more backlinks you will get and the sooner you will get indexed in Google. It took me a month to get to number 1 for "project payday" and if I was selling that program I would be making money from it already from the free traffic Google is sending to my site. Is one month too long to wait? I am making money from all the sites I use to sell products and everyone of them gets free traffic and cost me nothing to produce.

Once you have enough sites up and running the money will start adding up. You may only make a few dollars at first but you will be surprised at how it will multiply in six months from now.

Saturday, 19 September 2009

How to make money using blogs lesson 3

The point of these lessons are to enable beginners to set up and run a successful online money making venture and to do it with out spending a lot of money. Blogs have become the online marketers best friend and new secret weapon for making money. As we continue with these lessons you will find out why this is so.

At this point you should have set up a new blog at Google's and completed two posts on it. The first post was your welcome message and the second post was your first article on your chosen keyword (topic/niche).

As well you should have joined and posted a second article in their directory. The second article should have been a re-write of your blog posting - enough changes in it to avoid the duplicate content rules of the search engines.

This lesson is fast and easy and no, you don't have to write any more articles.

Getting your new site indexed.

If you have followed my instructions your site is already optimized on-page for Google when it gets around to crawling you. There are a few things (known as off-page optimization) that we can do to speed up the process.

You'll be happy to know that you have already completed one of these techniques.

Writing Articles.

There is no better way to get your site indexed and ranked by Google than writing articles. While providing traffic to your site, articles also get you back links which gets you page ranking and ultimately a high placement in Google's search listings.

Here's a list of the most popular Article Submission Directories. The more articles and more directories you use the faster you will get ranked and indexed by Google. This is not a secret, just a well know fact that all the successful marketers know. It is very effective because 95% of would be competitors either don't like to write articles or don't want to pay for unique articles and most of them resort to duplicate content when filling up their pages. Content, I might add, that comes from the 5% of us who write the articles embedded with our back links. Your competition is one of your best allies as they are the ones sending you back links.


Go to Technorati and create an account. Log in and "Claim your Blog". Later you will ping technorati each time you post something and they will come and crawl your site for the new content.

Technorati is the "Google" of the Blogoshpere and you want to get indexed in it's directory. The more directories and search engines that you get indexed in the better but Google, Yahoo, Msn, Technorati and Digg are all you really need and must be indexed in.

Technorati will get you traffic but you have to give the proper "Tags" (keywords) for your site. Lot's of people search technorati using tags or keywords to find articles on various subjects. The nice thing about technorati is that it gives users a list of articles based on how recent they were posted. If you are looking for posts using the tag "make money" you will get a list of articles starting with those posted a few minutes ago and working back in time. This is very important and you can generate your own traffic because of this. Note: The Labels in Blogger serve as Technorati "Tags".

Update: March 2008

The following traffic trick is no longer working as Technorati has changed it's system since this was originally posted. I have left it here simply because it is content that brings in traffic but please disregard it.



Let me tell you about a little traffic generating trick. This is strictly for making some quick money with adsense. If you go to technorati you will see a list of "Top Tags". This list is really just a list of what people are searching for the most at any given period of time. You are no doubt aware that Anna Nicole Smith died recently. For the last few days the top searched tag at technorati has been her name. If you were to write an article about her and ping technorati you will get 40 - 50 people to your site about 15 minutes after posting and pinging. Here is the best part - you don't have to post a unique article. You can use other articles (as long as you provide the credit and link back to the original author). This is simply a way to make some quick adsense money and you don't care about Google indexing your site.

I'll explain this in full if I have confused you.

I mentioned back at the beginning of these lessons that you want to create a few decent blogs for ranking in the search engines. These blogs will be for the long term and eventually you can use them to sell products as well as use them for adsense revenue. I also mentioned that you will set up hundreds or thousands of "crappy" blogs. These will be used to generate back links for your good blogs but can also be used to generate adsense revenue.

This is a scenario for a crappy blog. For instance, I have a whole group of what I call "My Celebrity Blogs". When ever a celebrity does something to get themselves on the front pages of the news I quickly post articles about them and ping Technorati. I just use the headline and a few sentences of someone else's article and then include a link back to the original article if people want to read the rest of it. I will post a half dozen of these snippets on my blog. Ping technorati and then wait 15 minutes and sure enough the traffic rolls in from Technorati users looking for info on the celebrity. For this to work you must Tag your post with the celeb's name. As soon as someone searches for articles using that Tag the most recent articles are displayed for them - not the most relevant or the best written - simply the most recent. Technorati is not like Google - they don't care about your content or backlinks or anything else that Google deems important. They simply list articles in order of posting - the most recent gets top listing.


To get the most visitors you have to time your posts. To get the largest audience of English speaking people you should post your articles between 7:00 and 9:00am, between 11:00am and 1:00pm and between 5:00 and 7:00pm all central standard time in the USA. These are the peek hours of readership in North America. You can also work out the best times in the UK and Australia as well.

If you have 10 Celeb blogs you can post the same snippets in all ten blogs. Simply post each one 15 minutes apart during these peek times. This will keep your blogs at the top of the listings for 2 hours or more during the peek readership times.

Is this ethical. Hell no. But it makes fast cash. When Mel Gibson ran into trouble my 10 little blogs got more than 10,000 hits in four days on technorati. I made just under $200.00 for my efforts. I never wrote a single article. Ethical... well that's for your own conscience. I took the money.

That's it for this lesson. Go and get acquainted with Technorati. Claim your blog and play around with TAG searches. Get to know what this directory does as they will make you some decent money once you understand how to use it. As always if you have questions just send me an email.

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

How to make money using blogs lesson 2

The goal of this exercise is to provide beginners with a solid foundation on which to build an online marketing business. Most of you are eager to DO something online but you just don't know where to start. As I mentioned in the first lesson, the best place to begin is with your own blog. Why? Simple... Blogs are free and they are an excellent way to learn the basics of online marketing without spending money to do it. Start with one blog and learn how to tweak it using SEO techniques that I will give you as we move along. Ultimately we want your blog indexed by Google. If you do this correctly, Google will eventually start sending traffic to your site. How long does this take? It depends on many factors but I have found that my main blogs have all been indexed within a few weeks and in one instance - 3 days. (the blog you are reading now)

Before moving on let's clarify a few terms so you have a better understanding of what we are trying to accomplish.

Indexing - This term refers to the search engines. Simply put - Do the search engines know that your site exists? If they do then you have been indexed. How can you tell? Just query the search engine using your URL address ie. - if they find your site then you have been indexed. If it says that no page exists by that name then you aren't indexed.

There are many search engines but we are only interested in the top three; Google, Yahoo and MSN. These 3 engines account for 75% of all search engine queries carried out on any given day with Google processing the most queries by far. (50% estimate).

If you go to Google and type in a query - let's say "how do beginners make money online" - Google will look through all the pages it has indexed (read and recorded) from all the sites it continuously crawls on the Internet in order to present you with a list of the most relevant sites concerning your query.

The brains at Google have come up with algorithms that determine relevancy based on several factors, some we know about and some we don't. The factors we know of include things like page content, the age of a site, keywords, sheer volume of unique content, page rank and most importantly, relevant back links.

Let's look at these factors a bit more closely.

Page Content.

Google likes unique content. You will get indexed fast if you use original material on your blog. If you copy and paste content found elsewhere on the Internet you won't get indexed very fast and usually not at all. You can also get into copyright troubles doing this.

The age of a website or blog

The older the site the better. This is not crucial but Google will give older sites a higher preference over new sites simply to eliminate all the spam blogs and sites that are created daily from dominating its index. This can be overcome with the proper technique.


The term keyword simply refers to what your topic is. If I wanted some info on Ugg boots, I would type in "Ugg Boots" on Google and it would present me with a list of sites related to Ugg Boots. Google uses keywords to generate its search. If you have a website or blog that discusses Ugg Boots and you have used this keyword enough times in your posts then Google will rightly assume that your website is about Ugg Boots. If you only used the keyword once while talking about Australian fashion then Google will probably not use your site in its list for Ugg Boots but may decide that your site is about Australian fashion instead.

Keywords are very important for getting your site listed in the proper category. If you are starting a blog that sells Ugg Boots then you had better make sure that the search engines know what your site is about. This is done by using your prime Keywords in your page titles, post titles and sprinkled a few times in your articles. Beware that using your keywords too many times will get you into trouble as Google will see your site as a spam blog and delete you from its index. The rule of thumb is that you don't want to use your keyword more than 2 or 3 times per one hundred words. (keyword density should not exceed 3-4% of your total article) This is very important.

Content Volume

The more pages you produce the better. Search engines like content - the more the merrier. If you keep adding pages to your blog or website, the search engines will crawl you regularly and your site will get listed more often when your keywords are queried. Why? Think of it this way. If you write just one article about a subject, how much info can you give in three or four hundred words. A bit but you will leave a lot of pertinent info out. Take Ugg Boots for example. My first article might discuss the history of Ugg Boots and where to buy them. This is fine and I may get listed whenever someone queries the following keywords; "Ugg", "Ugg Boots", "Ugg History", "Ugg Purchase". The problem is that I won't get listed if someone queries "Types of Ugg Boots" or "How to remove stains from Ugg Boots" or "Colours of Ugg Boots". Are you getting the picture. The more articles you write the more content you give the search engines to list your site under. If my site has a thousand pages on everything there is to know about Ugg boots then I guarantee I will get listed for every query made about Ugg boots. The more you get listed the greater your traffic will be and the more clicks your adsense ads will get.

Note: I have used the Ugg boot keyword so many times in this article that it will fool Google into thinking this post is about Ugg boots and it will get listed for that query - the unfortunate user will find out that this is really about making money online with blogs. My apologies to anybody who found this page while searching for boots.

Page Rank and Back Links

Update 2009 - Over the past few years Google has removed the weight it used to give to pages with high page rank. As a result page rank now has little to do with how well your site will rank for a targeted keyword. I have left this info on the page but it no longer is of much concern. I have dominated many keywords in the search engines with low PR sites and pages.

Page rank is closely associated with back links. To separate the wheat from the chaff Google has devised a page ranking system that it uses to determine how important your pages are. For example, if you followed the first lesson then you have now created a blog on Googles' At present you only have one post on it and it should resemble the post I left on my new blog Blogger Basics for Beginners. It is highly unlikely that Google has found your blog yet but if it has then you would be indexed for whatever topic you picked. Someone looking for your post using Google search would likely find your site listed a couple of hundred pages deep in the search listings. This is effectively like not being listed at all. I have had traffic come to my sites from as deep as six or seven pages back in the Google listings but most people will not search more than the first two or three pages. Ideally you want to be on the first page to get the most traffic. To get on the first page you need, above all else, back links. Only the sites that Google deems as highly relevant get on the first page.

Let me explain this further.

Every site is ranked between 0 and 10. The higher the number the more important your site is. If your site is a 10 then I guarantee your site will be listed on the first page and no doubt in the top position. Currently the new blog you set up has a ranking of 0 (zero). Content and the age of your site will gain you some ranking over time. If you do nothing else but post unique content then you might get a ranking of 2 in a year from now, possibly sooner. A ranking of 2 will not get you much traffic. How can you speed up your ranking? Simple... get back links and get lots of them.

Back Links

What are back links? They are links placed on other websites or blogs or forums or directories that connect people to your site. In other words they are click-able links that point back at your site (called hypertext). The theory is that the more sites that have links pointing back at your site the more important your site must be. This makes sense. If other sites are sending traffic to your site then you must be some kind of authority for your niche or topic. As a result Google will give you a higher page rank because of your importance. With a higher page rank your site will then get listed higher in the searches.

There are some rules to this however. The back links that count must be relevant to your topic. If your site is about "Dog Grooming" then links from pet sites and animal care sites are great. If you have links from a site like mine then Google will ignore the links because my site is in no way relevant to dog grooming.

The page rank of the sites giving you links is very important. If you get 1 hundred links from pet stores to your dog grooming site but all the incoming links are from sites with o page rank then you might get a ranking of 1 or 2. If you get half a dozen links from relevant sites that have a page ranks of 5 or higher then you will end up being ranked a 4 or 5. If you can get a link from a page rank 7 or higher you will vault up the rankings quickly and the age of your site will not matter.

Note: You can get thousands of links from sites that have no relevance to your site and this won't help you much. I mention this to caution you against using link exchanges or link farms. These types of links worked in the past but no longer as Google ignores them. By the way if Google catches you linking to sites that are not relevant to your site you will be penalized and lose ranking. This is how link exchanges work - people buy or sell links to anyone else regardless of relevancy. Stay clear of this.

One last thing. You will gain more from one way links. Lots of sites that are relevant to your site will trade links with you. They link to you and you link to them. This is called a two way link. Don't bother as this won't help you much. The exception would be if the other site has a high page rank. In this case go ahead but in reality high page rank sites only want links from other high ranking sites. They will not link to you unless there is an advantage for them. One way links are the best because Google sees them as a confirmation of your importance, ie. other sites think you important enough to give you a link without getting one in return.

The good news is that it is easy to get lots of relevant backlinks. I will get back to this shortly.

The Google Sandbox

One more - one last thing... You may or may not of heard about the sandbox effect. When it comes to Google nobody really knows the whole story on how they tweak their system. One of the most confusing programs they employ is the sandbox a system that keeps your site off the charts for a indeterminate period of time. This is in order to stop spam sites from getting listed fast. A new site may sit in the sandbox for 6 months collecting quality backlinks and lots of unique content and still not get listed in the searches. Then one day you find Google suddenly recognizes all the back links and content and bumps your site way up the charts.

I have several good sites that have been in the sandbox for several months now. This is normal and I have learned to be patient and use the time to get good backlinks and keep adding content. The confusing part is that this particular blog you are reading spent zero time in the sandbox. Google indexed this site in 3 days and has credited me with 135 backlinks already. This has meant traffic has been coming from the search engines since practically day one. I still don't have a ranking yet (all the backlinks are from O page rank sites) and yet my keywords are being placed on the first few pages of the listings. This blows me away as this blog is less than two months old and I am already high in the listings for certain keywords. I should mention that Yahoo and MSN has me even higher. (it's normal to get listed in Yahoo and MSN long before you get any listings in Google).

I mention this because I know what I did different in this blog and my guess is that Google approves and has rewarded my efforts. This is the same technique that I am going to teach you.

I received an email asking how much I was going to charge for these lessons. Apparently the fellow thought I was going to give away a few tidbits to get you all hooked and then hit you up for money before I gave you the really good stuff. Don't worry - there is no fee and there won't be one. Spreading this knowledge around doesn't hurt my business at all and to be honest these lessons will make great content for my blog.

OK, that's a lot of background and we haven't got around to today's lesson. Actually it's pretty simple but you will have to make yourselves do it. Write an article about your Blog's subject matter and post it.

The rules

Try for about 400 words. (Longer is also good but not necessary)
Use your Keywords a couple of times throughout the whole article.
Use your Keyword in the Blog Post Title
Use your Keyword in the first sentence.
Use your Keyword in the final sentence.
Try and Put your Keyword in Bold type at least once in the article - a sub headline is a good way to do this.
Put your link in the link field so that the post links back to your site.

Your link is - replace "yourblog" with your sites url name.

Post your article on your Blog.

After you have finished on your Blog go to

Select Submit/Edit An Article

Fill out the info to join (It's free) and then I want you to re-write your article leaving all your keywords the same but use synonyms for all the rest of the main words. Synonyms are words that mean the same thing as the original word. ie. "New" is a synonym for "Original". (Sorry if I am insulting your intelligence but some people won't know this)

I'm asking you to do this so that you have two articles that say the same thing but are written differently. You will post the second article on (It's easy to do and the site explains how)

Note: After posting the first lesson on blogging I posted a second article at GoArticles - to see how different the two posts are you can see the second article here Beginner Basics for Making Money Online Using Blogs

If Google finds duplicate articles they will not index the pages that the articles are on. (This is the theory at least but isn't quite true - a story for another day) This way you will get your blog indexed. The GoArticle posting is what will get you those free and easy backlinks I was talking about earlier. I will explain more about this in the next lesson.

Before posting the second article I have to show you how to embed your sites backlink in the first sentence of the article. I will explain the reasons for this next lesson, for now just follow my instructions as this is very important.

Example. Let's say your keyword is "dog grooming".

Your Blog Post Title should be just "Dog Grooming". The less extra words the better. You could add more keywords though... like "Make Money Dog Grooming" or "Dog Grooming for Profit"

Your Sub Heading should be something like "Everything you need to know about Dog Grooming". Remember to put this in bold print in your blog post. (GoArticles will not let you make it bold.)

Your final sentence in the article would be something like, "Thanks for visiting my Dog Grooming site".

And now the important sentence... the first sentence would be like this...

"If you think dog grooming is hard then please read this article."

I will now show you how to put your sites link where you typed "dog grooming" (this is only for the GoArticles post - not for your blog post.) You can see what I mean in the first sentence of my GoArticles post here Beginner Basics for Making Money Online Using Blogs

<*a href="">dog grooming <*/a> (replace dog grooming with your keyword and "makemoneyforbeginners" with your sites url name)

This is the code to make a hypertext link - the two * should be removed as I had to put them in as spaces for you to read this code. With out the * you would see this dog grooming If you hover over the link you will see the backlink pointing to in your browser window.

Highlight the entire block of code, copy it and paste it after highlighting the keyword in your first sentence. The final sentence will look like this;

"If you think dog grooming is hard then please read this article."

You have now put a backlink into your article that will point back to your site from whatever sites end up downloading your article and posting it as content on their sites.

Note: GoArticles has an authors box that allows you to put a backlink to your site in it. When people publish your article on their site they are required to post the whole article and your Author Bio (containing your link) as well. Sadly a lot of sites will just post the first few lines of your article and tell their readers that they can find the rest of your article at by using a link that says "More, click here". This effectively cuts out your backlink in the author's bio which is located at the end of your article. By putting your link in the first line of text they can't eliminate your back link if they don't publish your whole article.

If you haven't figured it out yet, this is how you will get lots of backlinks to your site - one way backlinks, the best kind! You will be surprised how many times others will use your articles as content on their sites. (you can see how many times my articles have been downloaded here... GoArticles Top Authors - I'm number 7 last I checked.) People don't want to create their own and are happy to download someone else's work. Keep in mind that you will be downloaded more often if you have picked a popular niche. If you are still writing about "pre-Cambrian rock formations" you may not get any downloads.

Another Note: The sites using your article will likely not get the page indexed as Google will hit them for duplicate content. You won't have to worry because the GoArticles post is different from your Blog post. While your competition is busy not being indexed using your article you will be getting indexed because of your unique content. Your competition actually helps you by giving you backlinks while you hurt them by giving them duplicate content. Imagine there were only ten sites on the net that competed for dog grooming. Your site uses unique content and you supply the other 9 sites with duplicate content embedded with backlinks to your site. What would Google see? They would rank you at the top as the authority because all the other sites are pointing at you.

Obviously you will never get all the competition pointing to you but out of every 1 million competitors for every keyword I bet 99% use duplicate content which is how the 1% that use unique content get listed on the first few pages. Out of a million competing sites you really only have 50 to 100 real rivals, others that know what they are doing and are working on their rankings. You just have to out perform these sites to get top ranking. Stick with me and I will show you how.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

How to make money using blogs lesson 1

This post was originally created in early 2007 and there have been numerous changes done to Blogger since that time. Most of these lessons are still applicable but there have been some changes. Rather than re-writing them all from scratch I have added little "Update" sections (in March 2008) where necessary. If the Make Money Using Blogs posts (There are 5 of them) seem a little contradictory at times this is the reason why. If I have missed anything or you find something that just doesn't jive please let me know and I will fix it. Thanks and if at anytime you don't understand something please leave a comment.


Judging from the emails I have been receiving, a lot of my readers are a bit overwhelmed by the online money making business. You probably don't know where to start and it's hard to get anyone who knows what to do to spill the beans. This is by design as letting everyone in on what works and how to do it is thought to be a death blow to all those currently making money online. I don't share this view. There are potentially several billion buyers out there and estimates of about 150,000 online marketers. There is room for every one.

If you are starting out, you probably don't know how to go about setting up an online business.

You have lots of questions;

Do I need a website?
Do I buy one or build my own?
How do I build my own?
What do I put on my site?
How do I find a niche market?
What is a niche market?
How do I sell stuff?
How do I set up adsense?
What is adsense?
What is adwords?
What tools do I need?
How do I generate traffic (visitors) to my site?
What's the secret behind making money?

I'm sure the list could go on for a while yet.

The point is most of you want to know where and how to start an online money making venture. The trouble is that all the online marketers are only too happy to tell you what to do... as long as you buy the product(s) that they offer. Everyone has a different scheme for you to try. A sure-fire guaranteed way to get rich! You have heard this enough I'm sure. Who do you trust?

Let's get down to the basics, before you start spending money needlessly. Forget about websites, forget affiliate marketing, forget adwords, forget MLM and JV's, forget everything and start from scratch.

Let's start with "Google Adsense" and Blogs.

This is the cheapest and fastest way to get started making money online. You can set up a blog for free. Google will provide advertisements for your blog for free. You will earn an immediate commission from Google each time some one clicks an advertisement on your blog. Once you get your blog up and running you can diversify with affiliate marketing and other methods of making money. A blog is very simple to manage. The new Blogger (just out of Beta) program (owned by Google) is a beginners dream as a complete computer illiterate can set up a blog just following the onscreen directions. Once you have a blog you will then learn how to market it - get traffic to your site. When you have learned how to do this you can transfer this knowledge to websites and other online ventures. A blog will teach you the basics and you can learn without spending gobs of cash in the process.

I'm sure you have seen screenshots of people who are making hundreds of dollars a day from adsense. Is this bullsh*t? Nope. They earn what they say but beware that they are not telling you the whole story.

There are several strategies for making money with Google Adsense but let's look at the two most common.

1)Using Adwords or other paid advertising to generate traffic to your Adsense sites and hence generate Adsense clicks.

2) Getting free traffic using SEO techniques (Search Engine Optimization) and harnessing the power of multiple Blogs to generate Adsense revenue.

So what is the trick?

Using Adwords

This is what they don't tell you.

A lot of those screen shots show you the money they brought in. They never tell you how much they spent to earn that income. They may make $600 a day but if they are using adwords to generate traffic then they likely spent several hundred a day as well. They always show you the gross, not the net. This doesn't mean that they aren't making a profit - they are or they wouldn't continue day after day - but that their profit is a lot less than they lead you to believe. This is done in order to make you believe that the product they are selling will help you generate profits of $600 a day. If they were completely honest they would admit that it might generate SALES of $600 a day - not PROFITS.

Using free traffic

This is what they don't tell you.

This is the best way for a beginner to start out. Build a blog on a particular niche(topic), create good quality content for it, have Google index and rank your page high for your keyword (topic) and sit back as Google sends hordes of visitors to your site. Finally, count your money from all the Adsense clicks. Right? Well almost.

This is the procedure but they don't tell you that to make serious money at this you will need to create dozens of blogs. Yes, you heard right. Your main blogs will have decent pages addressing the needs of your visitors and suitable for marketing products. The majority of the blogs however, will be set up to simply generate Adsense clicks. The articles will be unique but crappy and visitors that end up on these blogs will quickly leave - hopefully by clicking an ad that will take them to where they were trying to go in the first place. This is called spam blogging and as unethical as it seems, it is how many people make a lot of money with Adsense. No one talks about this aspect of making adsense profits. No one wants to admit that they use this tactic and yet this is the main method of generating decent money with Adsense with out spending money to get traffic.

This is also the system (modified a bit) that I recommend to all beginners. It's the cheapest way to start earning cash, it will teach you all the main aspects of Internet marketing and you can start immediately. However, you will have to decide if ethics or making money is your top priority first.


Let's begin.

We will keep this simple to start. In future posts I will explain more and more techniques as we go. For now we need to get a few blogs set up.

Go to and set up your account.

When you have completed this we can begin.

Before creating your blog you will have to find a topic. This is called a niche. There is a lot to learn about finding the right niche but for now just pick a topic you like. Let's learn how to set up a blog before we worry about what kind of blog will make money.

I will set up a new blog with you so you can see how I do it.

In blogger select Create Account.

Select a name. Try and use your keyword in the name and the blog address. (Use Capitals in your name but only lower-case in blog address.)

ie. I want to call my blog "Blogger Basics for Beginners" using the following address "". When I checked the availability I was told this address was already taken.

When this happens try using a dash like this;
"" - notice the dash, this is a way to still use your main keyword by adding a dash between them. As it happens this address is also taken.

Next I try this;

"" - This address is available and I am still able to use my keyword in the address and my title which is "Blogger Basics for Beginners".

Note: The more popular the niche the harder it will be to get an address for your keyword. If you are doing a "shoe" blog I can assure you that all possible "shoe" combination's are gone. If you are using "Pre-Cambrian Rock Formations" as a keyword you can probably get it for your address.

It is important to use your keyword in your Blog's Title and Address. This will greatly help you when it comes to search engine rankings and indexing. This is a big topic that I won't get into right now - just trust me on this.

Fill in the word verification and hit continue.

Note: The reason for the word verification is to stop automated programs from setting up thousands of blogs. Basically it is there to stop you from doing what I am going to show you how to do. Don't worry, it doesn't stop the automated programs, they have evolved to take this delay in hand and let you work around it.

March 2008: Update. It now appears that Blogger has a new flagging system that can catch most auto-software trying to set up multiple accounts. As you can no longer use link farms effectively this is a moot point and you should only be creating 3-4 blogs per account. Do not use the same keywords in each blog. ie. Don't create related blogs in each account. If you want ten blogs targeted to 1 niche then put each blog on a separate account.

You will now be asked to select a template. Later you can experiment with all the different templates but for now just choose Minima as you will find it easier to follow along with me. (It is the first choice and it should already be selected automatically) I have found this to be the most professional looking template and I use it frequently. You are reading this post on a Minima template. It is also perfectly optimized for SEO without having to tweak it.

Hit continue to select the Minima Template.

Next you will see a page that says "Your Blog has been created".

That's all there is to it.

Hit "Start Posting" and we will begin the next step.

Before posting let's go into "Settings" and make a few customizations.

Fill in your description. Make sure you use your keyword at least once in your description. (Update - see Common Blogging Mistakes and Common Blogging Mistakes - Part 2 for more details)

After your description scroll down the page and hit "Save Settings". Don't change any of the yes/no settings. Leave them on default.

Select the "Publishing" tab.

Select "Yes" where it says "Notify" and hit "Save Settings" (the default is NO) This will help notify the outside world each time you post something to your blog.

Select "Formatting"

Change "Show" to 1 posts on the main page. (Default is 7)

Select your time zone.

Set "Show Link Field" to Yes.

Leave everything else as is and hit "Save Settings".

Select "Comments"

Select "Show" for Backlinks.

Select "Yes" for Pop up Window.

Select "No" for Word Verification.

Enter your email for comment notification.

Hit "Save Settings", and leave the rest of the options on default.

Select "Archiving"

Make sure the frequency is set to "Monthly" and the "Enable Post Pages?" is set to "Yes".

Hit "Save Settings"

Select "Posting" and we are ready for your first post.

You will notice that you have a Title Field, a Link Field, and a big box where you will type in your post.

It is important that each and every title you use has a keyword (a term you want to rank for) in the Title. (Again this relates to SEO - and again just trust me without further explanation at this point.)

In the link field you want to type in your blog address so that the post links back to your blog (your home page or the post page).

My link is typed as follows; - this is the URL of my homepage.

Replace beginner-blogger-basics with your address.

My first post is short and to the point. It will mention my keywords at least twice.

It reads as follows;

Welcome to Blogger Basics for Beginners. This site provides tips and techniques for beginning bloggers in order to make money online. If you have questions not covered in Blogger Basics please feel free to email your question to bla bla bla

Make your first post the same way. Use your keywords a couple of times and then hit "Publish".

Then hit "View Blog"

Congrats - you are now a blogger. Simple wasn't it?

Now you can customize your blog. You will notice that your title is a hypertext link pointing to your site. On the right hand side of the page is a section called "Blog Archive" and below that is an "About Me" section.

You can add and remove any section you like by selecting "Customize" from the top right corner of your screen.

I am going to remove the "About Me" section and add a new section for Adsense. Always leave the "Blog Archives" so that visitors can find your previous posts.

Select "Customize"

Click the edit link on the "About Me" box. I am going to select the "Remove Page Element" option to get rid of this but if you want to keep the "About Me" section just fill in the info boxes and click "Save Changes".

Let's Add a Page Element. From the main customization screen click the link that says "Add a Page Element" (Use the right hand column box - not the one on the bottom of the page.)

You will get a pop-up screen with a lot of Page Elements listed on it.

Let's add Adsense to our blogs. Click the Adsense "Add to Blog" button. If you don't have an Adsense account follow the instructions to get one. You will get a publisher ID from Google that will enable you to post adsense ads on your blog. Once you have this pick a Format and use the Blend Template option regarding colors. (it's the default).

Update: Note - if you want to use adsense channels to track your blogs then you will have to create your Adsense code in Adsense Setup in your Adsense account and then copy/paste the code generated into your blog manually. Don't use the "Adsense" element for this - use the "HTML/JavaScript" element and paste in the code after the box opens.

Update: As of February 2008, Google requires all blogs using Adsense to post a Privacy Policy on their blogs. To see what this entails view mine in the sidebar A Very Boring Privacy Policy"

For right hand column ads I stick to the 160 x 600 vertical Banner Format.

Click "Save Changes" and you will notice that an Adsense box has been added to your right hand column at the top.

Click "View Blog" and see the results.

It takes a little while for Google to recognize your content and place corresponding ads on your site. At first you may only see public service ads or nothing until Google figures out your keywords. Just be patient as this is normal. Having said that, I was given ads related to Blogs/Make Money immediately and you may have got appropriate ads as well if you followed my instructions. Why? Remember I told you to use your keywords several times in setting up your blog. I did this so that the Google bot will have no problem figuring out what your blog is about. If your keyword is about something that has advertisements Google will find the ads. If you used the "Pre-Cambrian" keyword you may never get anything but public service ads as I doubt that there are many advertisers selling anything related to this keyword... I could be wrong though.

Let's stop for today and let you concentrate on the next lesson. You will have to sit down and write one decent article about your keyword. (I can hear you non-writers cringing at the thought) Later I will show you how to get unique content without writing your own but for now you will have to bare down and do a little typing.

Before leaving go to my just created Blog Blogger Basics For Beginners and make sure that yours is set up like mine.

PS. Don't be afraid to add and delete elements/Widgets on your blog in the meantime. Play around and learn how to use the Page elements. You can also edit the Blog's type, fonts, colors and element positions. Experiment a bit. Just don't delete your initial post.

Saturday, 5 September 2009

How to Make Money Online for Beginners

Don't let the stunning graphics and good looks of this blog fool ya'... if you want to know how to make money online... for free... without all the crap... do yourself a favor... get a cup of coffee and do a little reading... Griz
What? You expected to see me? Thought it had something to do with making money online? Lol. yes I'm a jerk...

Actually it does have to do with making money online in the sense that I am going to find out exactly how G decides which videos it pushes to page 1 in the search results. To that end I am going to go out on a limb here and suggest the videos with the most anchored backlinks will win. Yes a real stretch so with that in mind you can go directly to youtube and watch the Red Fox Video there. (You can watch it here - I just needed an excuse to send a proper keyword anchored backlink to the vid.) ;-)

And yes - I shot the video. That's my 7 year old feeding the Fox and yes I know... don't feed wild animals. (Last time I did I ended up with a pet wolf for 15 years - btw. Max the Wolf passed on two months ago from old age - we miss him a lot.)

So as long as I lured you all here under false pretenses I have a question for all you twitter users. Have any of you signed up with Okay 2 questions - if you have are any of you getting advertisers?

On paper sounds like it might make a few bucks if you have enough twitter followers. The premise is simple enough - sign up and tweet a couple of ads a week to your followers and get paid a weekly fee for your effort. The thing is I signed up with my small following of twitterers (only 800 followers) and have yet to see an advertiser darken my doorstep. Not that this surprises me as I haven't played the twitter game of following everyone who follows me. If I had I would be well in the 5 figures by now. Many of my readers do have thousands of followers though and I thought I'd trouble you folks for some feedback. Are you using and if so how many followers do you have and what kind of rate are you getting based on your followers? If it turns out that there is money to be made in this I may have to rethink my twitter following.

If you haven't heard of and have a lot of followers (you need a minimum of 50 to be accepted) then you might want to join up (it's free - really free...) and test it yourself. That link has my referring id in it and normally I wouldn't care if you used my link or not but I got an email from yesterday that said I had cracked the top ten for referrals for some contest they are running - who can send the most traffic to them of course - and the prize is a MacBook which I don't need or want (I'll give it away on here should I win it once I think of some lame contest...) These kind of contests never interest me but when I saw the list of who was in the top ten I felt the urge to catch Mr "I make money online by taking pictures of my food" Chow... If inclined please join and full disclosure - I make no money from you joining and have not been paid to promote (I really just want to find out how many people Chow referred and I need to beat him to do that - isn't publishing the numbers.) Yes I do have better things to do...

Speaking of which - I just found out my friend Allyn Hane finally got his Beer Review Blog up and running and I want to lend him a hand with a link and some traffic if any of you are into cold frosty beverages. Allyn is a heckofanice guy and drop in on him if you have a moment. If you are a struggling musician he is looking to promote unknown music on his beer videos (Allyn is a video blogger) so get in touch with him if you are looking to promote your stuff.

Lastly for the 16 emailers who politely and some not so politely asked me to put up a new post... I just did. :-)