Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Amway distributors

Amway distributors only claim total financial freedom, says apologist
Now Amway apologists change their tack. They claim that total financial freedom is just an overstatement by distributors. They want us believe that the distributors are indulging in all types of activities without the nod from their Amway bosses. They also want us believe that the 6-4-3 plan mentioned in the website of Amway India is just an example not to be followed. Still, the distributors, they claim, could make Rs. 56, 500 every month. Don't ask HOW.
These cheating crooks have been all around us to make us believe that theirs is the best business model. They never reveal how much they are investing in purchasing products and how much they making every month in the 'great business opportunity'.
They never understand the reality and keep on trying to hoodwink people. They always look for new distributors because India is a vast country with more than one billion people that is mouth-watering for these crooks.
If their products are really that quality, they could sell them in the regular business. They just do not do it. Because they could not line their pockets like in 'the great business opportunity'.
We have plenty of Mir Jaffers among us who betray our own people and help the invaders to loot us.

Examples are to be followed to line your pocket
These absurd Amway apologists has once again come out with their same irrational logic. They say examples are for the sake of examples. Examples are to be followed otherwise what is the point in giving examples.
If anybody wants to earn money he has to enrol six persons. Of course, one may find only four that is another issue. To complete one leg he has to find six persons and in turn the six persons have to enrol four members each and four in turn have to enrol three members each. That is exactly what is written in the website.
And that is what was pointed out by the Andhra Pradesh High Court. Here is the paragraph from the judgment.
"It is thus evident that the whole scheme is so ingeniously conceived that the inducement for aggressive enrolment of new members to earn more and more commission is inherent in the scheme. By holding out attractive commission on the business turned out by the downline members, the scheme provides for sufficient inducements for its members to chase for the new members in their hot pursuit to make quick/easy money. On the part of the promoter (Amway India) by pushing each member to achieve the minimum sales worth Rs. 2,000 per month, (this sale includes enrollment of new members) he is assured of about Rs. 1000 crore per annum. All this squarely satisfy the description of quick/easy money. In addition to this, it is an admitted fact that each person in order to continue to be the distributor, shall pay renewal subscription fee of Rs. 995 per annum. In para 11(b) of the counter affidavit on the admitted number of distributors of 450,000 this amount is calculated at about Rs. 45 crore per annum. These figures are not denied by the first petitioner (Amway India) in its rejoinder. The plea of the first petitioner that there is no compulsion that a member shall renew his distributorship looks to us to be specious. Once a person becomes a distributor in a scheme of this nature where the sops in the shape of commission are so luring, it would be very difficult for a member to withdraw from their membership to avoid payment of the annual renewal subscription fee.
From the whole analysis of the scheme and the way in which it is structured it is quite apparent that once a person gets into this scheme he will find it difficult to come out of the web and it becomes a vicious circle for him."
I think it is sufficient for any sane person to understand the gravity of the "good business opportunity". That is why I appeal to people all over world to throw these crooks of their respective countries.

How to wake up pretending Amway apologists?
It is really impossible to wake up a pretending person. If it is Clueless Tex or Ha Ha Ha Trivedi or IBOFB who is conspicuous by his absence this time, they refuse to accept the reality. Without following 6-4-3 Plan is it possible for any person to make money in the existing business model of Amway? These apologists simply say that examples are only for the sake of examples. Even if it is mathematics, one has to follow the example to solve the problem.
The distributor has to purchase goods every month either for personal consumption or for sale. How you are going to sell? By reaching out to your friends and relatives and convince them that the products are of great value and greater quality. The distributor would also tell them that they too would get the discount if they become members. That is how the chain starts.
The question is why there are a large number of dropouts in the Amway's 'great business opportunity.'
Let us look at the another important part of the judgement.
"Supposing the sponsor members at the top does not introduce any member and he merely sells the products given to him, he gets an income of Rs. 12, 420. If he sponsors only six people and they in turn do not sponsor any member, then he will get an additional income of Rs. 23, 760. If those six members whom he sponsored again sponsor four members each, he will get a further income of Rs. 1,14,480 and the if the 24 members sponsor three members each, he will get a further sum of Rs. 6,83,300. Thus the money which the member at the top of the line gets depends upon the members whom he enrolls or the members enrolled by him enrolled. (Para 28)."
From the aforementioned discussion, it is proved that the scheme provides for easy/quick money to its distributors. The first ingredient is thus satisfied. (Para 30).
Mind it my readers that all these conclusions were drawn basing on the counter affidavit filed by Amway India.

Amway apologist Lord Ha Ha himself does not exist
Judging by his latest bizarre, and illogical, attempted squawk, in which he confuses the two words 'demigod' and 'demagogue,' the 'Amway' Lord Haw Haw, Mr. Steadson, is on the point of signing-off (for good).
Behind all the incongruous drivel, what Steadson is now stating (and apparently he remains sincere in his beliefs) indicates that he is genuinely psychotic (i.e. suffering from delusions and loss of contact with external reality). This (as Steadson is fully-aware) is not only my opinion, but that of medically-qualified associates with long-experience of reality-inverting cultists (particularly 'Scientologists'). Put in simple terms, so long as his ego-building belief in 'Amway' as an 'authentic commercial company' persists, Steadson sees himself as someone righteous and intellegent. In order for him to face external reality, Steadson has first to admit that he's actually a poor schmuck who has been perpetrating a fraud. For, according to your resident masked 'Amway' propagandist, all the abundant and self-evident characteristics which the 'Amway' movement has in common with other camouflaged totalitarian groups (or cults), do not exist. Typically, this arrogant 'Amway' recruiting-sergeant is still ordering you, and your readers, to stop thinking freely. How dare we defy him and his bosses?
Steadson now claims that :
- There's no such thing as the 'Upline / Downline' para-military-style hierarchy in 'Amway.'
- The billionaire De Vos and Van Andel clans (who penned the 'Nazi'-style 'Amway' myth half a century ago, in which they have permanent starring-roles as infallible, honest Christian heros and leaders selflessly bringing 'Prosperity Freedom and Happiness' to all those who follow them without question), are a figment of my imagination.
- Multi-millionaire 'Amway Diamond' Reich Führers, like the self-proclaimed 'pastor', Dexter Yager (shining examples of 'Amway Prosperity, Freedom and Happiness' whose example must be exactly duplicated by the 'Amway' faithful), are also a complete invention.
- The De Vos and Van Andel clans have never sought to maintain an absolute monopoly of information about their criminal activities. They have never filed, or threatened to file, countless malicious lawsuits against persons challenging the authenticity of the 'Amway' myth, in an attempt to repress dissent. They have never sought to hide the fact that the so-called 'Amway Business Opportunity' which they sponsor, has had an (effectively) 100% loss-rate for tens of millions of participants over a period exceeding 50 years.
- The De Vos and Van Andel clans do not retain absolute control over the price and quality of the products which they supply to 'Amway' adherents, and, thus, they do not retain absolute control over whether the so-called 'Amway Business Opportunity' is economically viable for its participants.
- There have never been any Internet-based, de facto 'Amway' agents who steadfastly pretend to be independent of the 'Amway' leadership, but who constantly broadcast mis-information about the economic viablity of the so-called 'Amway Business Opportunity' and the saleability of 'Amway' products, or who attempt to character-assassinate all free-thinking persons challenging the authenticity of the 'Amway' myth .
In other words, according to Mr. Steadson's parallel logic, he doesn't exist himself.

Amway is an ongoing, organized crime group
I observe that your resident 'Amway' apologists continue to give the perfect demonstration on your Blog of the powerful effects of cultic, intellectual castration. It is frightening to observe how, in their own distinctive styles, the closed minds of Messrs. Steadson and Johnson systematically exclude all free-thinking individuals and any quantifiable evidence challenging the authenticity of the comic-book 'Amway' myth.
How dare we think? How dare we express our thoughts?

Despite the fact that (for obvious reasons) I'm not attempting to conduct a debate with either of them, Steadson and Johnson continue arrogantly to assume that I am addressing them directly. Yet, all my observations, Shyam, are clearly only directed to you and your free-thinking readers.
The 'Amway' Lord Haw Haw, Steadson, cannot put forward any rational argument to refute my unambiguous analysis of

'Amway' as a 'Nazi-style', camouflaged totalitarian movement which has churned tens of millions of unwary people through a closed-market swindle and exploited a significant, vulnerable minority of core-adherents by peddling them exclusive places in a (non-existent) future, secure, Utopian existence. Instead, Steadson denies reality by adopting his usual arrogant pose and squawking that what I'm saying is beyond everyone's understanding. Notice, however, how Steadson admits that there are crooks and liars within the paramilitary hierarchy of the 'Amway' mob, but he steadfastly pretends that these few wayward individuals are not representative of the organization as a whole. Unfortunately for Steadson, his sophistic arguments are identical to those put forward by the apologists of 'Scientology.'
'Amway' is an ongoing, major, organized crime group. Steadson is one of its de facto agents whose extensive Internet propaganda activity (including his many reality-inverting contributions to your Blog) continue to confirm this analysis. The more he squawks, the more damage he does to his bosses.
Johnson is a puerile and abusive irrelevance trying to drag your Blog into the gutter. He should really be banned from it Shyam.

Spineless masked Amway apologists are part of organized crime group
The reality-inverting closed-logic of the 'Amway' Lord Haw Haw, Mr. Steadson, continues to poison your Blog.
Your free-thinking readers will have observed that (using my real name) I have posted a detailed analysis of why 'Amway' is a ongoing, major, organized crime group which can be compared to the 'Nazi' party, 'Scientology' and the 'Mafia.' I have also posted a detailed analysis of the delusional mind-set of masked 'Amway' apologists and explained why, in the light of the quantifiable evidence, all their fancy arguments are complex drivel designed to shut down the critical and evaluative faculties of current 'Amway' victims and casual observers.
Steadson cannot deny that the bosses of the 'Amway' mob are billionaires, or that the so-called 'Amway Business Opportunity' has had an (effectively) 100% loss-rate for tens of millions of temporary participants around the globe over a period exceeding 50 years. His predictable response is to invert quantifiable reality by squawking that it is persons challenging the authenticity of the comic-book 'Amway' myth (Total Financial Freedom in 2-5 years) who are sophists putting forward clever, but fallacious, arguments. Tellingly, Steadson offers not one shred of quantifiable evidence, or reasoned analysis, to support his latest arrogant affirmation.
Every time Steadson opens his fat beak and squawks from his endless 'Amway' script, he's merely pushing his billionaire bosses closer to a prison cell. I'm surprised they allow him to continue with his increasingly dismal performances. In view of his open-sympathy for 'Scientology,' it's not difficult to predict what the 'Amway' Lord Haw Haw will have to say about the Australian Senator, Nick Xenophon, who has recently condemned 'Scientology' as a global, organized crime group masquerading as a 'religion.' within the last few days, Senator Xenophon has tabled a motion in the Australian Parliament requesting a public enquiry into 'Scientology's' crimes. The Australian Prime Minister has promised that this request will be given serious consideration.

V-Can Network did exactly what Amway did in Andhra Pradesh
Let us have a look at another fraudulent company which has chosen to file a writ petitiion in the Madras High Court complaining against the investigation by the Tamil Nadu police into their business model like Amway did in Andhra Pradesh.
V-Can Network (Private) Limited is a Chennai-based company which was into the illegal money circulation scheme a la Amway India. When the police started investigation into its business model of cheating the public in 2003, it filed a writ petition to issue a writ of Mandamus directing the police officials not to prevent the company from carrying on their day-to-day business of selling their products and services under the multi-level marketing scheme by using their respective offices and network systems.
A quick glance at the facts. The company is engaged in manufacturing home appliances of consumer durables and adopting the procedure for marketing, called multilevel marketing or network marketing system. Accordingly, they had introduced three major products, namely, 'Ozone Water Purifier', 'Magnetic Bed' and 'Companion' (multipurpose foldable table with four seats and designed to look like a suitcase). These their products are sold under the distribution system in addition tot he direct sales by the company and each of these items would cost Rs.5,990.
The independent distributor have the power not only sell the products but also appoint two other distributors under him and all of them earn the value points apart from the incentive commission on the value of the products sold.
The purchaser of the products who became distributor on accumulation of 600 value points, becomes an independent distributor and eligible for 30 per cent of the sale price of the product. The Madras High Court held that the business model of V-Can Network attracts the provisions of the Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act, 1978 and the police have every right to continue the investigation and file criminal case against the Company. The court agreed to the argument of the Advocate General that the products are overpriced which do not cost more than Rs. 500 and the scheme is nothing but money circulation scheme. Teh High Court directed the Investigation Agency to expedite the investigation and file criminal case against the company.

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