The TVI Express Scam/Scandal
Is TVI Express a scam? Is this TVI Express scam REALLY one of the biggest ponzi schemes, pyramids, or network marketing scams of the decade?
Can someone really make 10 grand by only getting two people?
How can TVI Express afford to send thousands of people on expense paid trips around the world simply by joining?
These were the kind of questions I was asking about TVI Express because frankly I thought it was the biggest freakin' scam I had ever seen. But just like any smart business person I decided to do my research and see exactly what kind of dirt I could dig up about the TVI Express Scam.
In the following article you are going to learn a TON about who TVI REALLY is and why they have been breaking so many records.
Travel Ventures International - Secret Scam?
The first thing that had to be figured out was did TVI Express has any credibility and if they did where did it come from? Otherwise TVI Express would undoubtedly be a scam.
What research showed was that every single major travel company that TVI "claims" to be doing business with was actually backing them up 100%. That was a major green light because no international travel company would put their business and their reputation on the line for TVI if they weren't a legitimate company.
Now you can breathe a little bit easier.
Next one the plate would be the companies comp plan. But lets put that to a real test. How in the heck are they able to pay out $10,000 to someone just for getting 2 measly people?
At first this threw up a MAJOR red flag but once the actual volume of numbers and amount of money was understood it became perfectly clear how it was not only possible, but reality.
Here's a quick break down.
When you come into TVI Express it costs $250. Then all you have to do is get two people to join under you and you're set. Once you have those two people you are then put into a revolving matrix which 'pushes' you up to the top position from the MASSIVE spillover. Once you cycle out of that position you make a commission.
The first commission is $500 and the second one is $10,000. And $10,000 again every time after that. Meaning you will receive 10K over and over each time you cycle out of what TVI Express calls the Express Board.
It takes awhile for the structure of the comp plan to sink in but once it does the potential you'll see here becomes incredible.
But the real genius part of the plan is this. You could join TVI Express, sponsor two people and not do another thing and eventually you will cycle out of the Express Board and hit 10K. It would just take longer this way.
Could TVI Express Equal Success? Or Is It Scam City?
One of the most determining factors in the success of any Network Marketing or MLM company is the way you choose to market that specific opportunity. With TVI Express it is not different. If you do not have a marketing plan then you don't have a business.
At this point in time is should be obvious that leveraging the Internet is the absolute best way to generate leads for your business to say the least. The best way to do that is by creating ads that drive traffic to a capture page.
A capture page is simply a way to 'capture' your prospects information so that you can call them back, email them, or however you choose. But the idea is that you now have their information so that you can market to them for the rest of time.
This is an area where you usually see MLM companies fall completely short. In fact, most MLM companies don't even support online marketing. This is where TVI is different.
TVI Express is one of the ONLY companies that gives you a capture page right on the replicated site once you join. This is by far the most powerful tool you could ever have when building a business online. And TVI Express gives it to you as part of your business.
TVI Express Pre-Launch Phase
What is absolutely scary is that TVI Express is still in it's Pre-Launch Phase. Meaning that it is still an infant. Yet just as a baby it has broken all kinds of MLM records and shattered growth rates of any other company to date.
And they are just barley coming out of the pre-launch phase. That is scary for a company to be doing that good in pre-launch.
My advise to you is click on the link below to learn how to can start earning 10K over and over again. This may seem like a joke because of the big numbers associated with this but trust me, this is as real as it gets.
TVI Express Registration
This is one of those things where if you don't take the time to look at this you will seriously be kicking your own as later on.
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dante kane says:
2 months ago
BIG BIG scam
matthewneer says:
2 months ago
Dante, I want you to remember this quote.
"A Wise Person Will Investigate What
A Foolish Person Will Take For Granted."
Take a good hard look at this company my friend, I am about to cycle for my first 10 grand by the end of this month.
Byonr says:
2 months ago
I am hearing no one has taken a TVI vacation yet....!
Doesn't hat worry anybody?
If you want a GREAT opportunity without risking $250, Peoplestring if a FREE site they PAY you to use!
People String is the easiest way to be successful on the web. Why? Because it pays you to share it with others without costing them or you anything! That's powerful. Most every other program requires you to spend money with no guarantee that you're going to be successful. Most programs on the net do not even have a real product you will ever use.
People String has real value. First of all, just for being a member (using People String's home page and fun free programs), you make around 1000 per year. This is FREE money. We are getting paid to do things we are already doing. Secondly, is People String's amazing email which allows us to send video emails and recall or track our emails, which are expensive features we get for free. Thirdly, which is my favorite, we are helping others by sharing People String with them. I mean, who couldn't use an extra 1000 a year...right? So... we make money by giving away money! The more people we help, the more money we make, and the sky is the limit. Where else can you find this? People String has the best value of anything I've seen on the internet. WE GET PAID TO HELP OTHERS!
Finding JUST 5 people who find 5 through 6 generations = a network of over 19,000 people and a retirement income for you, as we get paid on all the ad reading, websurfing, and online purchases made in our groups! This is not a scam or joke - it was featured on MSNBC last month! ! Try and see!
Shar says:
2 months ago
I like the scam that you are starting with pre-registering. You know that it's better if the people see the boards and choose a good team. I know take their email and then as soon as you get it you kindly reply you have a special spot for them>>>> Please visit and see for yourself!
matthewneer says:
2 months ago
Hey Byonr,
First of all TVI has been in pre-launch up until Oct 31, 2009. So it hasn't been possible for people to take vacations until that point. However, TVI Express is much more than just one vacation.
When you join for $250 not only do you get that vacation but you become part of a travel club for life. A travel club that a lot of times has prices cheaper than Expedia, Travelocity, Orbitz and so on.
In fact, a good friend of mine just got back from SoCal for a U2 concert and he used TVI Express to book a hotel down there. When he arrived the clerks were amazed at how cheap the rate was and wanted to know how he got this so cheap so that could do the same in the future.
Furthermore, I am already on the Express board in TVI Express meaning that I have already doubled my small investment of $250 dollars and will soon be making 10K in the next few weeks.
If I were you I would recommend rethinking your business opp. While People String is a good company it will take time for you to see any kind of serious money.
Matthew Neer
Mike says:
2 months ago
Matt with all the negative Google info on TVI, how is it
possible to even get people to join? It not! Its 10/2909 and TVI web site has been banned from the web! Yep, I fell for it too.
vmuraliv says:
2 months ago
First of all let me thank you for your detailed review .. But What you want a vacation or 10000$ again and again ...?
You have to decide .. right ?
matthewneer says:
2 months ago
Hey there Mike,
TVI Express honestly does not have that much negative information on the web. I would suspect if there was a large number, or ever one person who had no received their 10K then it would be literally BLASTED all of the web. However, I've found no such complaints.
As for TVI Express being banned from the web. I find that rather ludicrous. I was just on the website checking my downline a few minutes ago.
So I don't know if you're in TVI Express or not. But if you are I would suggest visiting my website and opting in so that we can discuss some strategy.
Would love to be of some service here.
matthewneer says:
2 months ago
Hey Vmuraliv,
You're more than welcome for the TVI Express scam review. It was my pleasure. You're right though, it is your decision.
However, when you join TVI Express you get both. Travel and the opportunity to make 10K over and over.
With TVI Express you become a member of a Travel Club similar to Expedia, Trevelocity, and all the others. With that lifetime membership you get access to some of the cheapest rates around.
Plus, if you can sell two vacations packages through TVI Express then you are now qualified to earn a $500 commission. Then, if you simply just help those two people sell two of their own travel packages, you're now qualified for 10K.
I hope this was helpful,
Matthew Neer
Chad says:
2 months ago
The website is down because by Oct. 31 they will have added all of the vacation spots for the United states. So they have just been doing maintenace the last few days.
matthewneer says:
2 months ago
You know it Chad,
TVI Express has actually been adding more servers because at any given time there is about 30,000 to 40,000 people on the site at one time. They will be done upgrading by launch time on Nov 1st, 2009.
Thanks for your input.
pgbrowne says:
2 months ago
Whilst I nor anyone can really tell if TVI Express is a scam, the real fact is that people are making money from this company. There are naturally doubters all over the world, but I imagine that most of the people who are posting negative comments are those people who are not actually members of TVI. If a real member had any problems then I imagine that this would have more credability than a complete stranger just posting that this is a scam.
There is no pressure to join. Everyone has freedom of choice and I am a little bit fed up with people making false comments when they have not directly tried this company.
I may be wrong - but then again my glass is always half full rather than being half empty. What have you got to lose apart from $250? lol!
matthewneer says:
2 months ago
Hey Paul,
You make a excellent point, the people that are claiming TVI Express is a scam probably are not in TVI Express. And there is absolutely no pressure because this train is leaving with or without you.
My glass is always half as well my friend. And as far as the $250 goes, worst case scenario you are going to get a 6day/7night stay at an exotic resort of your choice anywhere around the world. So what are you really got to loose?
pgbrowne says:
2 months ago
I agree Matthew. No one is holding a gun to their heads. You either see the opportunity and take a chance, or you don't! Simple as that!
Everything in life is a gamble sometimes. Even walking down the road. If you believed everything that people wrote you would never get out of bed in the morning.
Time to start trusting the people who know the truth and go for it!!!
matthewneer says:
2 months ago
Lol, no doubt about that Paul.
And honestly, I wouldn't want to work with somebody who doesn't 'get it' like the movers and shakers do.
It's true that everything in life is a gamble however sometimes you have better chances of winning when things are aligned properly. And it takes a smart person to spot that golden opportunity to go ALL IN.
In my opinion, TVI Express has been one of those opportunities because of the timing and the quick/fat payouts.
Matthew Neer
gail says:
2 months ago
Hi, I am a member-haven't gotten anyone signed up yet as that site isn't up and I can't claim that I've gotten my trip. I checked and though it is Nov. 1-it still isn't working. An attorney I was talking with stated that as this is a pyramid scheme-one day there will be no buyers left, it'll dry up and many will lose their money. Hence, it isn't ethical to try to promote it. The making money is certainly great, but not at the expense of someone downline. (so, two questions there)
Mehernosh says:
2 months ago
Hi, can u tell me 1 thing that if i join tvi express by being a member by paying $250 i get a vacation package. I bring 2 people along with me to qualify Traveler Board oK, but after bringing 2 persons if Suppose i am not able to bring any more candidates. Is it possible to Qualify to the Express Board ? Will it help me to gain profits even after failing to bring more people in the group ? Plz. answer the queries.
S Holmes says:
2 months ago
TVIexpress is an obvious pyramid scheme.
The "company" tries to pretend that the business is about selling travels, but if you read their web pages, in particular the FAQ ( ), it becomes obvious that the whole thing is about recruiting members who will pay in 250 US dollars, and the members are promised that they will thereafter receive money when other members are recruited; In other words a classic pyramid scheme, and clearly illegal according to the laws in most civilised countries in the world.
The company claims to be "a leading multinational conglomerate headquartered in London, United Kingdom", but you will not find it in the UK telephone book ( ), and the company does not exist at the address stated on the web pages (office building Marble Arch Tower, 55 Bryanston Street, London). You can check this by doing an "advanced search" in the UK directory for businesses at 55 Bryanston Street in London.
Additionally, you will not find this "company" if you do a search in the UK company register ( ).
So much for a "leading multinational conglomerate headquartered in London"!
One of the persons behind this pyramid scheme is named Ken Russo (see ).
This person Ken Russo has run, or has been pushing, a number of Ponzi- and pyramid schemes, which is easily seen if you google "Ken Russo" + scam.
Conclusion: An illegal pyramid scheme and guaranteed to collapse. STAY AWAY!!!
matthewneer says:
2 months ago
Hey Gail,
TVI Express is going through some growing pains and is in the process of relocating their server farms. This process should be complete very shortly. And as for the travel side, they are still working on getting the available and will be rolling out any day now. However, you are able to book hotels, flights, and car rentals. In fact, TVI Express has rates that are FAR cheaper than most right now.
As far as TVI Express being a scam, that just isn't the case Gail. TVI Express has almost ALL of the major travel corporations backing them. Those companies would NOT be involved in something that is a scam.
Believe me I've done very extensive research digging for something wrong with this company and I haven't found ANYTHING to set off the TVI Express Scam red flag.
matthewneer says:
2 months ago
Hey there Mehernosh,
In order to qualify for the Express Board you need to bring two people to the Express Board with you. So basically you need two fully qualified positions under you to get there.
So all you have to do is help your two people get their 2. And your done! That's it. You are now qualified and eventually WILL hit the 10K pay day.
matthewneer says:
2 months ago
Mr. S Holmes,
#1 - It's completely obvious that TVI Express is about selling travel packages to people for $250 dollars. That is how the company makes money in order to stay in business. However, there is no "promise" of payment there after. At that point it becomes your responsibility to sell travel packages to make money. Or in other words a typical direct selling business combined with Network Marketing and definitely NOT a scam.
#2 - The URLs you provided "claiming" that TVI Express doesn't have a physical presence are false and unconclusive. Furthermore the URLs you provided look like spammy/scammer sites themselves.
#3 I don't know who the heck Ken Russo is but he is NOT running TVI Express nor is TVI Express a Scam. Even if you Google the query you suggested nothing relevant even comes up.
So with all of that said I appreciate your comment but I do not appreciate you posting false information on this page with no tangible evidence to back it up. So please take your TVI Express scam claiming thoughts elsewhere.
This Hub Page is here for me to give legitimate answers for those who have serious questions and to see that they are successful in TVI Express.
Matthew Neer
enlightened says:
2 months ago
Matthew, you are a moron. TVI is a pyramid scheme if there ever was one. What kind of a buisness makes money by not only giving away free vacations, but turning your $250.00 into $10,000.00 over and over again?
matthewneer says:
2 months ago
You obviously do not understand how the compensation plan functions. Once you understand the shear volume of numbers associated with what it takes to break an Express Board it will make sense.
And if TVI Express was a scam can you tell me how its possible for me to book hotels through their travel booking engine?
Furthermore why would Carnival, Royal Caribbean, Hertz, Marriott, British Ariways and may more all put their valuable reputation on the line with a company that is a scam.
Please answer that for me when you get a chance...
enlightened says:
2 months ago
I understand exactly how the compensation plan works... as long as there are new suckers willing to join everything is fine and the money is circulating. The problem is that the larger this scam gets the more and more it takes to feed it. Eventually it breaks down and there are some who made money and many many more who get screwed. $250.00 is not a lot of money for those who can afford it, but for some who are investing everything into a get rich quick scheme it can be devastating. Consider that when coaxing people who trust you to join. There is no way the payouts can be eternally sustainable.
As far as the travel portion of it that remains to be seen what will happen. If you are joining just for the discounts and not getting your hopes up on a get rich quick scheme then more power to you. I will stick with Orbitz.
Skeptic says:
2 months ago
The main difference between a MLM and a Pyramid scam is that in a MLM you are paid a comission for selling a product or service. In a Pryamid scam you are usually only selling memberships. It is not that nobody makes any money in a Pyramid scam, but about 88%of the investors loose out.
TVI claims to be a MLM because they are selling "vacation packages". In reality TVI is only selling memberships, they have no real product or service.They are able to offer discounts on "name brand" companies, but only because of the volume of their "salespeople". If you were able to get a large group of people together willing to go on a Carnival Cruise, they would give you a discount too. That does not mean you are a legitimate buisness.
Bottom line is that TVI is a Pyramid Scheme in disguise, not a legitimate MLM, if it were it would pay comissions, not put you on the Boards, where the majority of people will ultimatly loose out when the "salespeople" run out of new recruits. If you are seriously considering joining I would encourage you to read up on Pyramid Scams and Multi Level Marketing scams before making your decision, you will find that your research and TVI are way too much alike to be worth the while.
I think you can all figure it out for yourselves from here.
enlightened says:
2 months ago
Hey Matt,
Are you still so sure that you have invested in a legitimate buisness? Are you confident that all of the people whom you convinced to join have not been misled? Are you going to be just as naive next time something like this comes around? The truth will come out sooner or later, then you will be enlightened 2. Live and Learn.
matthewneer says:
2 months ago
First of all if you a professional you don't "convince" people to join a MLM opportunity. You will never have any success that way. You simply need to show them what it is and let them decide for themselves.
Second this website says a TON about the legitimacy of this company. Check it out for yourself.
Matthew Neer
Nuclius Rules says:
2 months ago
TVI's days are numbered. It is a huge pyramid scheme. TrinitiComm is the real deal and wil make people a lot of money.
TVI Express Busted says:
2 months ago More charges from other countries to follow.
Piram says:
2 months ago
I have gone through the web site & i found it very interesting & i would to like to join it. I stay in Nagpur - Country India. I think that there may be some people over here who are members of TVIexpress. So can i know who they r so that i can contact them & join this Venture.
pgbrowne says:
2 months ago
If you would like to contact me, I will put you in touch with a fantastic TVI Express team that gets constant results. Contact me and I will send you full details. Many thanks, Paul
jmanagement.james says:
2 months ago
I find this to be very interesting. Usually people who speak against a product, company etc, is someone who has used them personally. Therefore making the comment valid. Well I can tell you first hand that this company is legitimate. I have been very fortunate to have been in this business for the last 2 weeks, and have already received my 500.00. As well as 3 others that I have personally sponsored(they have also received theirs). I was introduced to this program from a personal friend. I was skeptical at first, but I did my due diligence, and pursued the idea. Once I paid my 250.00, I was emailed my 6 day/7 night voucher that allows me to stay anywhere in the world. I then proceeded to book it, to see if it was valid. At that time listings to several hotels that accepts this voucher were emailed to me(I called the hotels as well, they verified the info). They all are 3-5 star hotels. I was impressed. So I proceeded to get 2 friends involved, and that qualified me for the 500.00. 6 days later, I received $250.00, and 250.00 traveler's voucher. I then transferred my money to my bank account, and sold my voucher for 250.00. So looking pretty good so far. Now I am on the "Express" board, where my friend has just received his 10k! Yes, , , ,his 10k, and guess what I am next in line. So I said all this to say, that I am very real. I live in Atlanta GA, and I can be contacted. So if anyone is interested in moving forward, let me know. I will be more than happy to help you obtain financial success. Good luck, and God bless. I can be contacted at, or contact me on my twitter @ Leave me a message! or call me at 646.339.7770
pgbrowne says:
2 months ago
Thank you for your post. Its nice to hear from people who are actually involved with TVI Express. The others who have commented against this opportunity are obviously not involved so I see little relevance in their posts. Its not for everyone, but for those that wish to change their lives then this is a remarkable business and one which is still growing! Get in now and reap the benefits!
Keep smiling folks!
matthewneer says:
2 months ago
Hey jmanagement.james,
Thank you so much for your positive feedback. It is truly appreciated man, you rock! We need more success stories like that to share with the world here.
Personally I have had much success as well. Within my first week in TVI Express I had already tripled the money I invested into TVI Express.
The other comments here are from people who obviously do not like MLM or have had bad experiences in the past. Great to hear of your success, let me know how I can help you any further.
Matthew Neer
matthewneer says:
2 months ago
Thanks for checking out my Hubpage and thanks for taking the initiative to investigating TVI Express further. If you would like to join I would like to invite you to join my Team here in the US. We've created over 100 $10,000 pay days in the last 12 weeks and more are happening every single day.
For more information you can visit the site below.
Jaksy says:
2 months ago
Hello guys!Has anybody already used the vacation package????????????????It is very interesting,nobody is talking about it!And what about the 5000$ traveller voucher??????????
Dave says:
2 months ago
Hey Matthew,
I'm in TVI and very excited about it. Have already split 3 travel boards and am at the top of 2 10k boards under 30 days. Very exciting!
So my question is when will I be able to redeem my certificate? I have sent 4 emails and called TVI twice with no response. Little concerned...I need to book this ASAP!
bcmodee says:
2 months ago
I have no doubt you people are making money. I have no doubt those of you who are in TVI truly believe it's legit. I'm still skeptical. Somebody please show me the math on this!!! I want to believe it, but where does the money come from??? 15 recruits x $250 = $3750. Then you cycle to next board. Ok so far. But, nobody on the 2nd board has paid anything to get on it to get their $10,000. Where is this money coming from???
matthewneer says:
2 months ago
As far as I know the 6night/7day vacations are not yet available in the TVI Express backoffice, however the booking engine is fully functional and will allow you to book hotels at extremely discounted rates.
Ed says:
6 weeks ago
Did you cycled out the express board and receive the $10,000 yet?
pat says:
6 weeks ago
i just joined this company and now i'm worried that it is a scam. There is no information about the owner or owners listed anywhere. i am able to use my web site but i showed it to a friend from the uk and she talked to a police officer who said he thought it was a scam. i want this to be the real deal. can you tell me anything that proves it is?
laurie adamson says:
6 weeks ago
My friends and I joined TVI and while my sponser is about to cycle thru the express board one of our members has a legitimate complaint. He bought a pkg (3) memberships but they only put one on the board. We've called many times and someone keeps promising to fix it but after 3 weeks, it's not.Also the 6 nites vac was supposed to be available Nov !st and it's now 2 weeks into Nov and it's not. Anybody have data on if the credit card payment will be available in the states?
jorson says:
6 weeks ago
90% of MLM companies go bankrupt in the first 2 years and typically a few guys very few ends up becoming millionaires. Want to do MLM go with a company that's at least 5 years old with an actual consumable product for long term income, not just from getting people in. The rest is just plain hard work.
Ronnie says:
6 weeks ago
Hey Folks I did a review on TVI Express in this video. You should hear what MLM Veteran Rod Cook Had to Say about this program and it was not good...
Ponzi Scam Alert? Tvi Express - Review by Ronnie Branch
Ronnie Branch
4real says:
6 weeks ago
All I can say is don't knock it until you have tried it! Why are there so many of you giving out negative feedback when you aren't even members of TVI? You wouldn't even be looking at these websites unless you were curious or interested in this company. Why don't you people save yourself some time and just join. That way you can find out for yourself if it is truely a good investment or a scam!
Jmarce22 says:
6 weeks ago
Hey guys!
I love the information provided on your site. One thing I find amazing about the home-based business industry is how individuals use negativity to market their own little "Guru" site. I call it the Whodini effect. You know...use the negativity to distract someone away from the topic they are researching and then market their own opportunity. You will see it all over this site. I only ask one thing...all the Guru's...please prove your expertise in the form of income before claiming you know what you are talking about.
I can't say I made $10K yet, but I can show you all my position within my TVI Express business...I am on the 2nd level on the Express Board...also know as the $10K board. And my check for $250 I received for working my business and not hoping someone else will build it for me.
Thank you all and good luck in all of your adventures :)
Dave says:
6 weeks ago
I just started on working to get into TVI and i have done some extensive checking on the company and i personally have not found any bad (verified) press on them. That why i invested my money and i am working towards that 10,000$ Yeah
to those doubters "put your money where your mouth is!!"
bcmodee says:
6 weeks ago
I'm still waiting for someone to actually explain how 15 recruits (that fills the board)x $250 = $10,000 payout. I know the payout isn't till the next board, but unless I'm wrong, no one actually pays to get on that board. Since it's been a few days, I guess no one actually knows how that can possibly be. Is that not a huge red flag to anyone out there??? Please, someone enlighten me
enlightened says:
5 weeks ago
These people are dreamers, they want so badly for this to be the real deal that nobody can convince them otherwise, even though commom sense tells a different story. Everybody says that they might as well try it, the travel voucher is worth the $250 right? Too bad you cant even redeem the bogus voucher. This scheme is on its last legs, I bet in the next couple of months TVI is no more. I'll bet you $250 that at leat 90% of the TVI investors also voted for Obama. Waiting on that big free payaday at everyone else's expense.
bcmodee says:
5 weeks ago
Sorry, no bet. I can't afford to lose $250. That's why I'm cautious with this.
I'm not necessarily saying this is a scam. I like to give others the benefit of the doubt. It could be that I don't understand how the matrix works. If the numbers do indeed make sense, then surely someone could show me. I find it hard to believe that out of 250,000 reps, not 1 can truly explain where the money comes from.
Randy says:
5 weeks ago
Choice says:
5 weeks ago
I too was really excited when I heard about the TVI Express opportunity, it was an answer to my prayers...or so I thought, until I decided to pay them a visit (I live about 15 mins drive from their offices)yesterday.
Upon arriving at Marble Arch Tower, 55 Bryanston Street
London, a building occupied by many companies, I went to Reception and asked to speak with a member of the TVI Express Team...I was told that they left the premises about 2 months ago. When I proceeded to ask for a forwarding address I was told that they didn't leave one which I questioned as I thought it rather strange for a "multinational conglomerate"...the receptionist was extremely guarded and refused to answer questions such as how long they were at the building and why they left.
I also told her that the TVI Express website still displayed their address as their trading address to which she replied that they were aware of this and trying to get it removed from the site.
Believe me I have no axe to grind...hey I wanted to take 3 spots! But I find it increasingly difficult to get over the secrecy and lack of transparency...believe you me...even if they were no longer at that address but left a forwarding address I would have most likely have signed up.
Even one of the main leaders in this thing (Kelly Williams) doesn't know their don't believe me...ask him, I did (I found him to be very truthful and upfront). Although the company did say that they would be announcing the new address this month but my question is why has it taken 2 months to do this!
I just wanted to add my findings to this discussion, you do with them want you will. I wish you all the very best in your decision making.
Guerilla Trader says:
5 weeks ago
It takes 8 positions on the 1st level for the Travel Board to split (8 X $250=$2000)The board has to split 4 times before you get off the top and move on to the Express Board, unless you jump over someone 1st. ($2000x4=$8000)
There are 19 top positions (from Travel Boards) feeding into the express board over me, but there are only 15 positions needed to fill the Express Board and 8 positions are needed to fill the 1st level of it before it splits. That being said, there only needs to be 8 positions taken from the 19 top Travel Board positions. Now do the math... $8000 X 8=$64.000 and that's with the Travel Board splitting one time! Remember, it has to split 4 times before you make it off the top and get paid. And also remember, there are 19 top Travel Board positions feeding into the Express Board which only needs 15 positions to fill it. You see, there's more than enough money for all of the payouts and bonuses. I hope that answers your question.
Greg Dub says:
5 weeks ago
I have no idea what are you guys talking about.
I made 71k in 2.5 months documented.
Call 760-744-9112 for proof.
bcmodee says:
5 weeks ago
Nobody doubts your income statements. The doubt came in from the matrix being able to sustain itself mathematically, continuing paying out large sums of money. Ponzi schemes also pay out to early entrants. Read the question before you answer.
Mr. Guerilla. Thanks for your response. Finally someone who seems to have a clue. It is beginning to make sense mathematically where I can actually see where the money comes from. I'm not sure where the 19 top positions from travelers boards comes into play, but I'm getting there.
dreamsdocometrue says:
5 weeks ago
One thing I have yet to hear about TVI is... I have never heard of anyone in the USA to cash in on their vouchers and take that promised trip. I hear a whole lot about the money. So anyway, I joined DreamStyle. It is great. The payouts are $5,000 and $16,000. I talked to the owner and it is real and legitimate. Check it out: or call me 800-774-7170.
dreamsdocometrue says:
5 weeks ago
Correction, my number is 888-774-7170, instead of 800-774-7170
Darrin Clark says:
5 weeks ago
I gotta say Matthewneer, i sure do admire your patients. There's no way in the world i could deal with this level of ignorance. But since you're dedicated to this business enough to deal with the kind of people that truly do not understand I'd like to share something with you. One of our main players from India, a fellow named Tyroon (spelling)created a wave Board. And so far this board has created 1,000 millionaires over in India. The way this system is set up you come in for $825, you create 3 slots, matt1 matt2 matt3, and you bring in one person for $825 with you. say for instance you bring joe in with you, you place joe1 with matt1 which now gives matt1 his 2, matt2 and joe1. Then you give joe2 to matt2 now matt2 has his 2, and you keep repeating the procces. The way this system is set up the Board is self generating. You come in with on person and that's it. No more sponsoring people. All you have to do is keep creating new slots. After you cycle out off the travelers board you create matt4 and matt5. Then you attache the matt4 and matt5 to someone else on the board. Lets say that stan6 only has one, you would place matt4 there. then we repeat the same process once we cycle out for the 10k. This thing is huge, my group is blowing up! We put in 60 people yesterday and have another 75 people ready to go. The demand for this board is so strong we can't get vouchers fast enough. Now from what i here there are only a couple of cells here in the US doing this, so if you really want to learn how this thing works and you're not already doing it give me a call. 877-892-3852 ask for Darrin.
Darrin Clark
matthewneer says:
5 weeks ago
Thank you for your comment brotha, I truly appreciate it. And yes I've had had an astounding amount of patience with this group here. It is truly amazing what people say when they are speaking from a place of fear.
Anyways, I have heard about the wave board over in India. I haven't implemented that into my business yet though. I would love to speak with you further about how it works.
I will be in touch Monday for sure,
Matthew Neer
Krys says:
5 weeks ago
matthewneer says:
5 weeks ago
Guerilla Trader,
Thank you for your clarification on the actual numbers. That comment brings a TON of credibility to the table. When people see the actual numbers making sense then maybe gears will start turning in their heads and something will click.
Matthew Neer
Derek M says:
5 weeks ago
It sounds as though people are really making money at this, but I do have a few questions that I feel are relevant. Maybe you, or some other TVI members could answer them for me?
Has anybody been able to redeem the free trip vouchers, and if not why?
Does anybody know where this company is currently located? They say London, but apperantly that is not true?
What kind of a major buisness can close down its office to move to another and not already have the other office leased and announced? (They must not have located the altenate office yet, or they would have posted the address somewhere to put an end the everyones speculation)
How do the rates through TVI's booking engine compare to the other internet based companies? (Orbitz, travelocity, Ect.)Do they offer a significant savings?
Are there any other MLM companies operating in the US that use the Boards (Pyramid) system for payouts that are approved by the SEC such as Avon, Amway, Ect.
Is TVI trading on any type of stock market like any other "Multi-National Conglomerate" would? If so where can I look them up?
I have been approached several times about joining, but something does not seem quite right to me, and the only information i can find on the company is either be members promoting their own group, of people who are outright opposed to MLM. I cannot find any truly objective advice and I am hoping somebody can give unbiased answers to my questions. Thanks.
Michael says:
4 weeks ago
I am not a member asof yet. But spoke with a rep with the company and he just did redeem his vouchure for a Florida vacation for the holidays. He even explained tome the process in which he did it. That was the most important factor to me because that is the product. If the voucher works well, the Binary compensation plan will work better.
Derek M says:
4 weeks ago
Thanks for the input. Your friend seems to be the first one to have redeemed his trip as far as I know of. What was the process? It seems to me that there should not be a complicated process just to claim your vouchure. I would think you would just book it through thier engine and type in your vouchure # somewhere to claim it.
The other important question to me is how TVI rates compare to the other companies. I am fairly certain that TVI is a unsustainable pyramid type buisness that will eventually collapse, but if I can redeem my vouchure without jumping through too many hoops, and save a good amount over the free online companies, it could still be worthwhile to me. If it only costs $250 to save $500+ on a trip without any further expectations I can live with that.
Could someone who is already a member do a cost comparison for us non members? Maybe you could compare the pricing of a couple of trips head to head againg Orbitz to see what kind of a savings is offered?
loveall says:
4 weeks ago
Hi matthew
How are you today?
Have you Received your 10,000 yet and CASHED Out?
Albert Mahaffey says:
4 weeks ago
If you don't have the $250, you can join the TVI-Global Assist Team and buy 2 referrals for $77. Since people in TVI-Global Assist Team have been paid out already and I have cycled once it is not a scam. if you want to know more than go to
Its only $77 to join and it guarantee's two referrals. The thing I like most about TVI-Global Assist Team is the anti-stall feature so if your referrals don't recruit or buy them after 14 days there slot is replace with someone else so your not affected and paying the $77 places you in a 2x2 matrix so once your account the $250 everyone from your matrix moves to the TVI Express board your pay out is instant another great thing is you still make money off your 2x2 matrix. If you want to 60K a month instead of 10K. I would refer myself six times, fill my matrix and buy my bottoms referrals. (but if you do this option use different emails and use your name in different variations) once again that address is
matthewneer says:
4 weeks ago
Sometimes it's really tough for people to learn the skills they need to truly succeed online. They think that buying into an opportunity or buying an information product will be the answer to their prayers but in reality all they are doing is making themselves feel like they are 'doing something'.
The reality of this is that you are only going to be successful and make a million dollars on the internet or in the MLM industry if you treat your business like a million dollar business. (What a concept huh? Shouldn't that be completely obvious?)
So for all of you that whine and complain when you don't succeed at Network Marketing maybe instead of blaming a company and calling it a scam for your failure. Maybe you should take a cold hard look at yourself in the mirror and ask "Did I do what a millionaire would do today?"
If the answer is no, or you hesitated then you've got work to do. Work to do on yourself and your mindset. Or maybe you're just not cut out for the MLM industry. It's a cut throat world...
But for those of you who need an easier way out, here it is...
kartur66 says:
4 weeks ago
This tvi is so legitimate it's seemingly pathetic. I know, I am in. Received my first $500 within three days of sharing this concept. you might ask HOW, well, two people alone saw and understood the business plan and could quite easily see how the maths added up to be able to pay out, and in total bought 18 memberships. Yes, this is your long term stability, get on board, especially if you've never ever achieved anything anywhere at any other time in your life.
Derek M says:
4 weeks ago
There are a lot of ways to make money that are not necessarily legit. Just because it pays doesn't make it right. Why can nobody answer my questions? They should not be difficult to answer, if the buisness is legit. There seems to be no transparency with TVI, who is in charge?
Tania Turner says:
4 weeks ago
Derek M email me and I will personally ''show and tell'' there is so much to tvi that one hardly has the time to lay it all out in a book.
Have you read all of the testimonials, read the members of the admimistration board, there's alot of info. I just think you have'nt done your own research because it's not hard to find on you just need to open that site and WOLLAH, there it all is. To expect to be spoonfed is a lot to ask because there has been plenty of that on here you need to do your own research because it is all very public and transparent, you are only wasting your time by not researching.
Derek M says:
4 weeks ago
If you have all the answers why not post them here for all to see. You are willing to take the time to share them with me so why not share them here?
Derek M says:
4 weeks ago
It seems their website is down again.......
MrBusinessman says:
3 weeks ago
Matthew, as you can understand from my nickname, i'm already into internet business.
I have already heard about TVI and tought is great, but after a research i've seen too bad reputation for this company. Also some good comments.
I have always seen people who say that only some of their friends from their upline were into the trip. Also noone is posting proofs, put at least a fake paypal screenshot damn it... but no sign of it.
I really would like to see this as a good company. When I call them to the number they have posted it rings 3 times and then lose connection. Too bad cause im not in London to check personally if their adress is real, but I will ask this favour to a friend. Would be cool also to see a forum of TVI.
Also I don't think that someone who is scamming people will invest in his website design. Thinking that they are in the internet from so short time they already have a bad bad bad reputation doesn't let me say this is a great opportunity.
So here is the deal... I will sign up under you if you give me the right proofs. I can bring lots of other referrals and we both will earn, but just convince me. If i earn i dont care if TVI is illegal. Wanna see where is the money, wanna see 10.000$ in your hands. If is such a trusted company and you already have done 10.000$ then there shouldnt be a problem to you to pay for my entry and then i will give you back your money.
LuxuryResorTravel says:
3 weeks ago
TVI Express is not a scam regardless of the negative feedback that it has gotten. In fact TVI Express is one of the best home based businesses right now and is exploding. The 2 problems that I see with TVI is that it costs $250 -$300 and requires 2 referrals to be qualified to earn them $10k paydays. There is an alternative that will get you into TVI for only $37 and your 2 referrals.
Go here to see the alternative
Tania Turner says:
3 weeks ago
Derek M the reason I offered to help you out is so that I could give you a chance at an inside look only a member can do, the receipts people have received for payments, viewing of hotels,etc can only be seen by members and you if a member permits you to see through their site, all of which would be alot faster to show you rather than type, if you were in you would understand.
As you did'nt appreciate my offer others have and I will do that for them.
This is a new company and is still experiencing some teething problems, but there is no denying money in your account, or the faces behind testimonials of what people have achieved. These people and the company would be sued , my advice to you all, go to and click on TESTIMONIALS, the site is open every time I look so who knows what button Derek M is pushing why he claims its not, if you ask me HE MIGHT QUITE POSSIBLY BE THE OPPOSITION?
Did that ever occur to you all that negativity could be stemming from people who are not in TVI and are in some other vacation club seeking deliberately to destroy what is working for far too many for it to be denied? don't ask me to pay you in, if you cant see the value in this business and what it will do for you and your family and friends, associates included, FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE...then quite simply, this business opportunity is not for you, NONE OF US GOT A FREE RIDE?
Make sense, have a good one everyone.
Tania Turner (TVI screenname is kartur66!)
Boggle minded says:
3 weeks ago
I am a member of TVI. But no one has been able to tell me how do you collect your money out of a e-wallet? How do you actually get the money in your hands? Do you just keep using your vouchers to pay for more memberships and keep their money or does the company itself actually pay you? Please explain this through your website so people can understand how you actually collected your $10,000.00. People need to understand how to collect the 10,000 once it is posted to your e wallet account. How do you get it out of the account? Do you get a check from them or what? Please explain.
MIKE says:
3 weeks ago
Heather says:
3 weeks ago
Hi there; I have been a member of TVI for two weeks and my first board is already halfway full.TVI is a business like anything else and in order for a business to work you have to put effort into it.I tried a program before this one it was called the Streamline Funnel System they launched in July of this year and they went through a lot of bull just with the whole process of finding a merchant account company that was big enough to accomidate them! I am no longer with that program because they charged a monthly membership fee, but in the short time that I was with them I did make money and they have tons of scam reports about them too.Now as for TVI. The reason why I joined is because it's a lifetime membership fee that you only pay once, you can book your own vacations so there's no worrying about travel agents talking you into stuff that's going to cost you extra and make them more money,not only that you make a residual income as well.The travel industry is not about to dry up any time soon so there is no worrying about it being over saturated.And as for people foolishly hoping that this will change their lives....people do that every day online and not just with TVI; you look for people that have been slapped by Google trying to make money from Adwords and you'll find a tonne of them I know because I was one of them.So for those of you who want to call TVI a scam you might as well stop using the internet alltogether because every site is on here for the same reason, to make money period.
riro says:
3 weeks ago
I totally agree with enlightened. 1. Matthew you are an absolut moron! 2. You guys are indeed really naive! 3. Please, think before you handout 250 bucks for something absurd like this! ......."invest 250$ and get vacation plus 10K??? just by recruiting 2 other retard! Oh please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
riro says:
3 weeks ago
I recommend this book. "Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why it Matters for Global Capitalism" by George A. Akerlof and Robert J. Shiller.
catcha64 says:
3 weeks ago
What is it with all the doubters out in the world? I guess most of all you is that you don't get it, eh? You can't follow the math behind this. TVI Express is the smartest thing in decades and 100 $ legal. I have booked the cheapest flights you can find in the world on this site for friends and they were so exited they joined TVI Express right away and BOOKED their free 6 night stay. NO PROBLEMS! If you doubters don't have $250 to start a very lucrative business then go wash dishes at McDonalds and keep off the internet.
For those who are afraid not to find 2 people to sponsor, no worries, there is so much spill over from the top members you will most likely get to the Express board anyway. I know members who have bought themselves 3 or 4 times in to gain even more money.
For those not sure to join, I strongly advise to join right away because IT WORKS!!!
silvertyke says:
3 weeks ago
So then a scenario. I pay $250 I pay two other guys $250 each to join, then I pay 4 more guys below them $250 to join. Giving free membership to 6 people will hardly be difficult. So now ! My initial capital investment is only $1750 right ? I am then apparantly going to get $10,000 back ! Cmon boys !! Also I live just 130 miles north of London and I am unable to locate them at that prestigious address. Oh and Surprise surprise its not even in the phone book.
catcha64 says:
3 weeks ago
If you are willing to invest the $1750 all by yourself, then that is all what you need to qualify yourself AND the first two new members you signed up under your initial membership. Meaning, you are now qualified for $30,000!!! But, you will have to wait until the 3 qualified positions moved through the Traveller board and then the Express board. YOU WILL EVENTUALLY EARN THE $30,000, depending how much support the boards receive from the other members on these boards. You have to understand how the system works. But I can tell you that a total of $20,000 are being paid until for one member to receive the $10,000 cash + $5,000 travel vouchers.
They have moved their location in London to:
Lakeside House
1 Furzeground Way
Stockley Park
UB11 1BD
United Kingdom
If you are really interested in this check out this link and take the tour, or send me an email and I'll send you a PowerPoint presentation which will open your eyes.
catcha64 says:
3 weeks ago
I got the figures from somebody else and checked them today and have to tell you guys, that they are incorrect. The total amount being paid to TVI Express until 1 member cycles out of the Express Board is $56,250. So, you can see there is plenty of profit for TVI and still plenty left for commissions.
catcha64 says:
3 weeks ago
I got the figures from somebody else and checked them today and have to tell you guys, that they are incorrect. The total amount being paid to TVI Express until 1 member cycles out of the Express Board is $56,250. So, you can see there is plenty of profit for TVI and still plenty left for commissions.
Derek M says:
3 weeks ago
So you are saying that 225 people must join at $250.00 each before 1 person can cycle out? How long do you think that can be sustained? For every 100 people that get the payoff there are 22,500 new members waiting. For every 1,000 people that cycle out there are 225,000 people waiting. Just for the 225 people that joined directly behind the original member there must be 50,625 new members behind them in order for them to recieve a payout. If the entire world population of approximatly 6 billion people joined (that is 6,000,000,000) only a little more than 26 million of them would actually have a chance to cyle 1 board. Would you buy a raffle ticket for $250 at a chance for $10,000 if you knew that they were selling 225 tickets? The odds are not in your favor. Somebody will be getting rich over this and the odds are that it is not you.
Afrodite says:
2 weeks ago
Hi. Can anybody share an experience of using the vouchers or certificate at any Hotels mentioned by TVI? How was it? Thanks
Mason Risher says:
2 weeks ago
TVI has NO Contacts with ANY Travel Provider. Period, end of story. Anyone who says they do is lying. They state right on there own website that travel is through a THIRD PARTY Provider. TVI has ZERO contracts with any companies name they try to use to provide cover for this scheme. It is a con-artists attempt to provide legitimacy to the uninformed. It is a smoke screen and out and out lie that this is anything but a pure and true PONZI scheme.
catcha64 says:
2 weeks ago
I have personally booked travel on the TVI site. A flight for a friend from Switzerland to Vancouver for $818.00 all taxes included and a for my sister and her husband I booked a flight from Switzerland to New York for $590.00 they use the hotel voucher in New York and then fly to Toronto and back to New York for another $343, they were amazed about the price their best offer from Switzerland was $1248.00 for a flight from Zuerich to Toronto. Also I checked out a vacation package for a guy from Edmonton today, trip to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, 4 star Hotel all inclusive, $1342.00 all taxes incl. Same trip at Travelocity was 2167.00. The 6 night hotel voucher works that way, that you have to tell TVI when you want to go to where and then you receive a list with available hotels (3-5 star).
And Derek M, it has nothing to do with a raffle or with odds, it is a business. You will have to work hard to get new members on board and remember you get a hotel voucher for the $275 membership fee. But more importantly, the travel deals alone make it worthwhile if you intend to travel.
But from all the negative postings here, I can tell that people are afraid of anything that comes with a price tag. But any business has investment costs and nothing comes for free and I understand that there will always be the nay sayers because they are too lazy to look into it or just don't have $275 to put up in the first place.
Derek M says:
2 weeks ago
This has a lot to do with the odds and it is not a Buisness, it is a scheme.
You misled silvertyke by saying "YOU WILL EVENTUALLY EARN THE 30,000". That is far from fact. You will only get paid if 225 people join under you, you said so yourself by stating " The total amount being paid to TVI Express until one member cycles out of the Express Board is $56,250" 250 x 225 = 56,250. Every time someone cashes out, the Board splits so there are probably thousands of boards right now. If you got in early your odds may be good, but for everyone that makes it there are 225 new members still in limbo. Everytime someone wins everybody elses odds go down. As soon as the stupid pool dries up there will be a lot of diappointed people.
I have very serious doubts about your price claims also. There are plenty of REAL buisnesses out there such as Orbitz, Travelocity, Priceline, Ect. that have actual ties to the Airlines, Hotels, Ect. If you have ever searched more than one of them at a time you will notice that they all have the same prices. That is because they all have deals with the actual companies so that they all get the same bottom dollar prices. You should try comparing the actual same flight # on the same day, from the same Airline. If TVI is actually cheaper all of the above companies will soon be out of buisness since they all have a low price gaurantee. Do you really think the major Airlines are going to put their biggest retailers out of buisness because of some scam astists. I seriously doubt your figures are an accurate comparison.
Bottom line this IS a smoke and mirrors SCAM disguised as a travel buisness. As I stated before I am not doubting that some people who have made some money, but for everyone that did there are 225 that still have not, while an unknown group of scammers running the company are getting rich off of people like you and your followers for doing nothing.
LuxuryResorTravel says:
2 weeks ago
I been around the industry for 6 years and spent countless dollar learning how to make it online. For anyone that wants to learn inside out what it takes to become a top recruiter then you need to check out MLM Top Recruiter Secrets FREE 7 day Boot Camp! These strategies have taken my businesses to the top and WILL for anyone. IN ANY BUSINESS!
To You Success
JD says:
2 weeks ago
Whoopee!!! Duh... I can get rich as a lazy dumb-ass... and make tons of money while I sleep. Duh... where can I sign up? Really.... you lazy good for nothing pyramid-schemers have no conscience... signing up & duping friends and family to accommodate your avarice and "get rich guild" mentality. You're a bunch of losers... because others are participating and receiving nothing so you can scam on. Disgusting! Get a job!
catcha64 says:
2 weeks ago
since you obviously have nothing to do with these 'schemes', what the heck brought you to this site????
And, next time you comment on something, do yourself a favor and get yourself educated about it.
Merry Christmas to you.
Kimberly says:
2 weeks ago
Hi guys!
I just wanted to stop by, and give my 2 cents. . .LOL!!! My name is Kim, and I am from Atlanta, Ga. I am currently involved with TVI, and I will tell you my personal experience. I joined in October of 2009, and I was sponsored by my boyfriend. We were told about this opportunity by a friend who plays pro sports. So in any event, I was a little skeptical, because it sounded too good to be true! So, needless to say. I didn't join immediately, but my boyfriend did!. So I didn't think much about about it. Well about 2 weeks went by, and he received an email in his yahoo account from the company stating he had received 500.00(250 cash, 250 voucher) in his back office.Once I saw that, I jumped in head first. Within my first 6 days of joining, I convinced 2 friends to join as well. Once the board split, I jumped ahead of people who didn't sponsor 2! I was ecstatic. Since then I have personally brought in over 16 people, thus helping me get to the pay out much faster. Listen i can't tell you this is for everybody, but I made a decision thatt was good for me. When I thought about the alternatives out there, I knew it would tale over 3 years of working a job at 150k to take car of all my credit card debt, not to mention my other debt, and that job is not available to me. People I was drowning! This is been a life raft, and if you are reading this, you are probably drowning as well. I wish everyone much success, if they can find something to get them out of this financial mess, whether it's TVI or not. But if you would like to know more, and just talk to a real person, that's not trying to sell you, then feel free to contact me at I wish you much happiness.
Kindest regards,
Jay San Juan says:
10 days ago
all I hear is chatter. I just want to hear someone who actually got paid their first $10,000. Just one. Crazy how people just refuse to earn money nowadays. They just hop anything that promises them money. Theres only one thing that all successful people have in common and that's HARD WORK.
Gideon Ibrahim says:
7 days ago
You have to sign in : before you widraw your money from your e-wallet TVI Express.
You can joint with out recruiting people, be come a member TVI express (just only $ 250.00) and get your Cheapes price Trip ticket, but if you want the comission (Extra money),then you have to work!...nothing for FREE in life!.
is it FAIR or SCAM?....
jazz says:
6 days ago
uhh....its still a Scam. and its DEFINITELY not fair.
cuz i know i can get those 'cheap' prices without having to pay the $250 dollars. Absolutely free, i can get amazing travel deals.
Lets be honest here. Name 1 person that joined TVI solely for the 'travel discounts' and not AT ALL for the opportunity attached.
1 person?... yeah, i think not.
catcha64 says:
5 days ago
I know two....I recruited them myself and they joined only because of the deal. But you forgot the 6 night stay in a 3-5 star hotel ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. That's what people brings in here too. And then they go out, spread the word and recruit people anyway.
Get it?
Gideon Ibrahim says:
5 days ago
Too Much people No Action Talk Only (NATO), you want to get $10.000,00 then, work!.... not only talk and talk and talk....even in TVI Express, nothing easy if you just Talk Only!....just Do it!...
is it Fair or Scam?....
Michelle says:
3 days ago
Anyone looking to do this business must truly do their due diligence. If something smells funny or fishy with this company, please listen to your intuitive sense. Remember what happened with Bernie Madoff.
Carina Franco says:
35 hours ago
Hi Matthew
I know you because of Katie Freiling, and I happened to be on your list because of her.
Now I have a couple of questions.
Is this opportunity open in Canada? I live there. I know I will be able to sell in US since it is online, but can I do it if I am establish in Canada?
If I want to book a trip like your friend that went to the U2 concert how can I do that, I guest you don't have to be a member to do so, do you?
How and where did you find out this:
"TVI Express has almost ALL of the major travel corporations backing them. Those companies would NOT be involved in something that is a scam."
Where can I see which corporations are involved and that they are 100% with tvi express?
do they offer any online marketing training for people to learn how to promote the company?
for the $250 do you get your 6 day trip no matter what?
have you claimed your trip yet? when did you start with tvi express?
Thank you so much in advance?