Thursday, 26 November 2009

Is TVI Express A Scam?

A lot of people, they see a pyramid structure and assume a “pyramid scam” and essentially an illegal operation.

Now if you look at any kind of organization, I don’t care if it’s a corporation or a multi-level marketing company - any kind of legitimate organization has a pyramid look to its organization.

If you were to visualize the organization, there is always somebody at the top and as you go down, the levels get wider and wider. So I don’t care what kind of organization it is, if you draw it out in a chart, it is going to look like a pyramid.

If you look the TVI Express organization in a chart type format, you will see that is also has a pyramid ”look” to it.

Bottom line… just becuase you SEE a pyramid, don’t automatically assume a pyramind “scam”. You need to lookt deeper.

What Constitues A Pyramid Scam?

Let us look at what constitutes an illegal type of operation which many refer to as a “pyramid scam”.

When there is no exchange of product and only an exchange of money, then the program is considered illegal. This type of money exchange program is what people should be calling a scam. So if you are just exchanging money and you are not getting a physical product or a service for that money, that is illegal.

How About TVI Express?

With TVI Express, there is a legitimate product. When you become a member and you look into your back office, you will see that you have access to a travel membership where you can book discounted travel. That is the product that is behind TVI Express.

I have personally tested this product and other people on my team have tested it as well. I have known people to book airfare and I have booked a hotel with the back office. I then cancelled that reservation and properly got my cancellation. I was not charged.

So it does work, you do get a discounted price and in fact, you can guarantee that it is among the lowest price out there. I know team members who have done the research and compared the prices with commonly knows websites online. We will be doing our own comparison videos and will post them shortly.

Better yet, if you can find any price that is higher within a period of 24 hours of booking with TVI Express, TVI will match it that price and even give you an additional 10&% off.

However, you can rest assured that you will get among the lowest prices, and it will save you a lot of time from doing your own research on the internet. You can just go to your back office and you can book the hotels, the airfare, the resorts or cruises.

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