Amway adherents use thought-stopping ritual jargon
It is even more fascinating to observe how the 'Amway' Lord Haw Haw , Mr. Steadson, and his heel-clicking little band of reality-denying chums, are disturbed when faced with the use of accurate deconstructed language to reveal the 'Amway' fraud. After all, they seem to spend the majority of their time trying to keep it occulted behind a wall of thought-stopping ritual jargon. Steadson is now arrogantly flapping on his perch attempting to give us orders about which words we can, and cannot, use. His latest devious tactic is to pretend that what we are saying is completely unintelligible to everyone, but this presupposes that we are unaware of what he is trying to do. To anyone with fully-functioning critical and evaluative faculties, it is perfectly clear what we are saying. However, to anyone whose mind has been castrated by the 'Amway' mob, then what we are asking them to think, is unthinkable, because thinking is not allowed in 'Amway.'
All totalitarian movements control their subjects behaviour by ritualizing their means of thought (i.e. their words and images). Self-evidently, the 'Amway' mob have their own parallel jargon and imagery which is constantly repeated in their propaganda. The ritualization of language has long been recognised as a means of short-circuiting an individual's capacity to think. The made-up word, 'Amway' (short for 'American way'), is itself a perfect example of thought-stopping ritual jargon, but then, so is the technical-sounding term, 'Multilevel Marketing.'
The leaders of pernicious cults like 'Amway' and 'Scientology' seek to control all information entering not only their adherents’ minds, but also that entering the minds of casual observers. This is achieved by constantly denigrating all external sources of information whilst constantly repeating the group’s reality-inverting key words and images, and/ or by the physical isolation of adherents. Cults leaders systematically categorize, condemn and exclude as unenlightened, negative, impure, absolutely evil, etc. all free-thinking individuals and any quantifiable evidence challenging the authenticity of their imaginary scenarios of control. In this way, the minds of cult adherents can become converted to accept only what their leadership arbitrarily sanctions as enlightened, positive, pure, absolutely righteous, etc. Consequently, adherents habitually communicate amongst themselves using their group’s thought-stopping ritual jargon, and they find it difficult, if not impossible, to communicate with negative persons outside of their group whom they falsely believe to be a suppressive threat to redemption in whatever mythical future Utopian existence their leaders peddle.
IBOFB is contemptible liar and criminal too
Fascinating how 'Amway's' Internet Lord Haw Haw, Mr. Steadson, is now desperately squirming and squawking as he shifts his ground.
First of all, the poor boy pretended that the 'Amway' myth (that 'anyone can achieve Total Financial Freedom in 2-5 years by exactly duplicating a Proven Plan of recruitment and self-consumption') is itself a myth invented by 'Amway' critics. He then accepted that it has been peddled within 'Amway' , but he claimed that it has nothing whatsoever to do with the 'Amway' organization. Finally, Steadson pretended that the 2-5 year Plan has been rarely peddled within 'Amway' and not by anyone employed by 'Amway' or with the approval of the organization.
In the adult world of quantifiable reality, the internet is alive with the damning evidence that all 'Amway' core-adherents have been obliged to pay through the nose for the dubious privilege of being indoctrinated to duplicate an economically-suicidal, and illegal, 2-5 year plan of recruitment and self-consumption. The deluded Indian fellow, Laddu Gurugabelli, with a pathetic (apparently Independent) Website propagating the scripted 'Amway' myth, is a perfect example. The predictable claims that the bosses of the 'Amway' mob have neither profited massively from this illegal activity nor have they been aware of its general presence with 'Amway', are demonstrable lies which are part of a pattern of their own racketeering activity.
Self-evidently, Mr. Steadson is a contemptible liar and criminal who is the de facto agent of contemptible liars and criminals. Again, each time Mr. Steadson squawks from the 'Amway' script, he is merely pushing himself and his de facto masters closer to a prison cell.
Realilty-denying Amway apologists
Again, your resident, intellectually-castrated 'Amway' apologists continue to deny reality in their own particular styles. In defense of their group-related alter egos, they systematically insist that all the quantifiable evidence that 'Amway is a fraud and a cult, is itself a lie' and that 'anyone criticizing 'Amway' is a stupid, isolated person who cannot know what he/she is talking about.'
Since the instigation of the 'Amway' mob more than 50 years ago, tens of millions of individuals around the globe have been churned through a premeditated closed-market swindle promoted as a 'Business Opportunity.' A significant minority of these individuals have fallen victim to secondary, advanced fee fraud. Core-'Amway' adherents have undergone a nightmarish personality transformation and recklessly dissipated all their mental, physical and financial resources to the benefit of the bosses of the 'Amway' mob whom they continue to trust and follow no matter what suffering this entailed.
Your free-thinking readers will have observed that the intensely annoying narcissistic characteristics which unite 'Amway' core-adherents are self-evident. Indeed, they are the same as those which unite core-'Scientologists' (or any other totalistic believers for that matter):
- grandiose sense of their own and their group's importance.
- preoccupation with fantasies of their own and their group's unlimited success, power, etc.
- the belief that what they and their group offers is special and unique, and can only be understood by other special people like themselves.
- excessive admiration of their group and the requirement that others admire it and them also.
- total lack of empathy with non-group members.
- belief that outsiders are envious of them and their group.
- arrogant disposition.
- strong sense of their own and their group's entitlement.
- belief that it is perfectly justifiable for them and their group to take advantage of others to achieve their own ends.
The abundant evidence that 'Amway' apologists exhibit all these narcissistic characteristics is contained in the remorseless, inarticulate comments which they continue to post on the Net. Tellingly, when faced with this incontrovertible analysis, the classic reaction of cultists is to project their own narcissistic characteristics on to those who are making the analysis.
IBOFB is caught lying once again
The masked 'Amway' Lord Haw Haw (Mr. 'IBOFB' Steadson) is once again caught lying through his teeth on your Blog on behalf of the bosses of the 'Amway' mob. This is hardly surprising since Steadson's Internet propaganda is part of a pattern of racketeering activity. He is the de facto agent of an organized crime group who promotes and shields fraud and who habitually obstructs justice.
Just 10 seconds google searching for 'Amway 2-5 years' and I came up with an Indian 'Amway' core-adherent running his own Website
This deeply-deluded individual can be contacted at:
telephone 970 300 5423
The following is a direct quotation taken from his crack-pot Website: 'It require 2-5 years hard work, and then you can become financially free.'
Now where do you suppose this typical, Indian 'Amway' core- adherent got that idea from ?
Amway apologists claim there would be business without purchasing products
It is really wonderful and hilarious to learn there would be business without purchasing products. This is enough to assess the mental capability of these Amway apologists. The rider is if the members do not purchase products they are not entitled to claim commission. Is it not compulsion? The affidavit filed by Amway India in the Andhra Pradesh High Court claimed that the members must purchase products worth Rs. 2000 every month otherwise they are not entitled for commission.
Basing on the State Food Laboratory report, the Krishna District Consumer Forum imposed Rs one lakh fine on Amway India. Is it not enough quantifiable evidence to show the inferior quality of products?
Anyway the nitwit apologist did not say how much amount his mother is earning every month after so long in the 'Proven Business Opportunity' of Amway.
It is true no one is guilty unless it is proved otherwise in the court of law. Addressing this aspect, kindly see what the Andhra Pradesh High Court stated in this connection.
"Sri B Adinarayana (Counsel for Amway India) contended that even assuming that the police are satisfied that the petitioners (Amway India) are indulging in money circulation scheme, they cannot interfere with the business of the petitioner till the criminal court after a full fledged trial holds the petitioners guilty of the offence alleged against them. We have carefully considered this submission of the learned counsel. It is a well settled principle of criminal jurisprudence that no person shall presumed to be guilty until his guilt is proved, but we are unable to accept the broad submissions of the learned counsel for the petitioners (Amway India) that till the conclusion of the criminal case the police have no power to interfere with the business activities of the petitioners. Section 7 of Act (Prize Chits & Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act, 1978) empowers the police officer not below the rank of an officer in charge of a police station to that effect."
So the Amway India's business model is a money circulation scheme and is illegal.
Amway is not a proven business opportunity but cheating
Now let us have a look at Direct Selling. The Amway, the mother of all scams, claims that it is direct selling that is beneficial to the consumers. They claim that there is little or no advetisements for its products. It's another matter that now they are advertising heavily through elctronic and print media.
If a product is sold to the customers directly, the customer would sure reap benefits as it avoids a lot of intermediaries -- stockists, wholesale dealers, retail dealers. But in the case of Amway, it is different. Inspite of the claim, there are a large number of Intermediaries in the name of IBOs. Each one of them collect huge percentage of commission at each and every level. So, naturally the end-consumer ends in paying a hefty price for all the products. To cover its cheating of exorbitant price of its products, Amway claims that its products are of high quality which is a hoax. What the gullible people do not realise is that they are paying high price for the products and getting peanuts in the name of commission.
My dear fellow humans all over world! Listen carefully! These Amway apologists keep on boasting that this is a 'GOOD, PROVEN BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY'. But in fact, this is not. It is a closed market swindle and you end up buying products at an exorbitant price. It is not at all a good, proven business opportunity but outright cheating to empty your pockets and a crime under provisions of the Prize Chits & Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act, 1978.
Save your money, enjoy it with your family and if you have excess money there are lot of poor people who need help. Don't give away your hard-earned money to these crooks like Amway.
Amway's Proven Business Opportunity is a camouflaged closed-market swindle
As ever, what the bosses of the 'Amway' mob, and their bleating little flock of Internet propagandists, steadfastly pretend to be reality and what can be proved to have been occurring within their criminogenic organization (for more than 50 years), are two completely different things.
The 'Amway' Lord Haw Haw (Mr. Steadson) first indignantly squawks that, in 10 years, he's never personally encountered the 'Amway' myth of 'total financial freedom is 2-5 years' being propagated by 'Amway' itself. Although he is forced to accept that there has been at least one video of a naughty 'Amway Diamond' preaching the '2-5 year Plan' removed from Youtube, Steadson now steadfastly pretends that the existence of the 'Amway' myth is actually a myth invented by me. Amazingly, the 'Amway' Lord Haw Haw then goes on to claim that he knows persons who have achieved 'total financial freedom' in 'Amway', one in less than one year and another in two decades.
Just before writing this comment, I took a brief look and found 32, 200 (thirty two thousand two hundred) hits when I Google -Searched 'Amway 2-5 years'.
In the adult world of quantifiable reality, the bosses of the 'Amway' mob have used their so-called 'Proven Business Opportunity' (which is a camouflaged closed-market swindle) as the bait to attract vulnerable persons into an allied advanced fee fraud in which victims are peddled mythical places in a secure, future, Utopian existence. This puerile fiction only exists in the form of pretty words and images which are constantly fed to the 'Amway' faithful. In order to keep this minority of core-victims enslaved for as long as possible, they have been told by the even smaller minority who occupy the higher echelons of the 'Amway' paramilitary hierarchy (and who are schills) that, 'although some persons take less than one year and some decades, 2-5 years is the average amount of time it takes to achieve total financial freedom.' All 'Amway' whistle blowers testify that this is so.
At the beginning of the 'Dateline' NBC programme (which again exposed the 'Amway/Quixtar' fraud several years back), 15, 000 unquestioning and tearful 'Amway' adherents were filmed in an American convention hall being showered with fake dollars. Many had travelled, or queued, all night to attend and they were hovering between exhaustion and hysteria. An 'Amway Diamond' was filmed screaming his typical mantra to the receptive congregation:
'This is the Best Business Opportunity in the World, Period! Period!
This frightening event (which had generated several millions dollars) was a hybrid mixture of rock concert and 'Nazi' rally. Each one of the crowd had paid hundreds of dollars to attend what was only an orgy of deluded self-gratification. For, by 'Amway's' own figures, not one of these 15, 000 hopefuls will have made an overall profit out of 'Amway' and not one will be involved with the organization today.
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
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