Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Amway Global Cult Intervention

Controversial radio talk show host and entertainer Rush Limbaugh should consider becoming the owner of an NBA team now that his name has been removed from a list of investors seeking to buy a National Football league franchise, the St. Louis Rams. Obviously the National Basketball Association would be a better fit for Limbaugh since they obviously do not set very high standards for membership in their club for which I will explain. Consider the Orlando Magic owner, Richard Devos.

Devos and the late Jay Van Andel are the cult initiators of the 'American Way,' now known collectively as 'Amway.' For half a century, 'Amway,' has operated a monopolistic 'closed market swindle' while 'preying' on their own children, the prosperity believing cult adherents in what amounts to a form of 'advanced fee fraud' very similar in nature of one operated by Jim and Tammy Bakker. These 'true believers' now make up what British born author and guide to the Amway Labyrinth David Brear describes as 'the financial holocaust' having been flim-flammed into what pyramid scheme expert Robert Fitzpatrick calls the 'American Scam'.

In a recent blog post on Quixtar Cult Intervention, Brear details how the present Amway world cult evolved from an earlier 'snake-oil' 'Nutrilite' vitamin swindle started by the late Carl Rehnborg and his business partners Mytinger and Casselberry. Devos and Van Andel co-opted Mytinger, Casselberry and Rehnborg's questionable 'Multilevel Marketing Strategy' and have once again made Nutrilite 'Double X' snake oil supplement the flagship product of their assault on the wallets of 'Independent Business Owners' who, in the end, are generally left holding the 'trick bag' once Devos, Van Andel and the Amway 'Kingpins' make off with their cash. Brear rightly describes the 'Double X' vitamins as a 'Double Cross' on those folish enough to believe the Amway 'reality inverting' 'land of will' myths. Cult adherents (IBOs) purchase these 'snake oil-like' tablets at an extortionately high price in the 'pay to play' Amway game of greed. Rehnborg's 'soups' formulated into compressed tablets had once been occulted to be a cure all for nearly all of man's ills and have always been offered up in classic 'huckster' fashion. Rehnborg, Mytinger and Casselberry have since disappeared from their 'confidence game,' but the game they invented continues now under the Devos, Van Andel 'Amway' Banner. In a past blog post, I described how 'Nutrilite' fathered Devos and Van Andel's 'American Way.'

Rush Limbaugh and Rich Devos are remarkably similar personages, both wealthy supporters of conservative right wing Republican ideologies and candidates they believe support their pro-big business conservative view of the world. Rich Devos heads up the Amway cult adherents, while Limbaugh heads up his drone like 'ditto-heads.' Both groups are bombarded with 'mind numbing' 'reality inverting' rhetoric. Many of Limbaugh's group purchase the Limbaugh Letter, while the Amway group is extolled on the virtue of purchasing their rhetoric in the form of 'tools' from the Amway 'Kingpins' who operate a secondary 'closed market swindle' known as the 'tool and function' business.

Significanly enough, both Devos and Limbaugh have criminal histories. Devos was involved in the defrauding of the Canadian government in a import tax evasion case for which Devos and the late Jay Van Andel agreed to pay Canada 25 million dollars to avoid spending time in Canadian jail cells. Limbaugh, an admitted oxycodone pain pill addict was involved in his own 'doctor shopping' scandal and agreed to a plea agreement to keep himself out of a jail cell as well.

Both Devos and Limbaugh can be described as controversial fellows whose right leaning rhetoric borders on the psychotic. Devos espouses a narrow 'dominionistic' view of the world and is an avowed homosexual hater. Limbaugh spews a rabid hatred of anything 'Democrat' and brands anyone supportive of the Democratic platform as a 'liberal kooks.' Devos loves to paint his Amway Scam as 'big business' and uses this as cover for his unjust enrichment. Limbaugh not surprisingly is also a supporter of big business and detests any move by the present administration towards effecting any type of social change like health care reform. Limbaugh has also been known to make what many people considered controversial statements against African Americans.

Devos's Amway, much like Bernie Madoff's former 'investment business' is always represented as 'legitimate business' although it actually is a Ponzi-like scheme which has miraculously been allowed to continue long after the truth of this affair has been revealed to the mainstream population. Devos has managed to keep Amway alive through a half century of scandal by carefully protecting his self interests with cash suckered from those foolish enough to believe in the swindle that began with Rehnborg. Political contributions and support of key Republican politicians, many of which have since been involved in their own scandals, have helped keep Amway operating and off of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission regulator's hit list of scam companies.

I, therefore, to be fair, propose that Rush Limbaugh (a veritable Saint compared to Rich Devos) be allowed to become the owner of whatever professional sports team that comes onto the market to include even Devos's NBA Orlando Magic. The good people of Orlando and NBA fans everywhere deserve better than a known 'criminogenic' swindler owning a team that nearly won the NBA championship last season. Although I am not a big fan of 'entertainer' Limbaugh, I believe his money came to him honestly, not the result of an enormous swindle, and he should indeed be allowed to buy into the NBA owners club!

Posted by quixtarisacult at 11:55 AM 0 comments Links to this post
Labels: American Scam, Amway Corruption, Rich Devos, The Business Cult, Tool Kingpins, tool propaganda, Tool Scam
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Get Wealthy by Selling Amway Products

Not only can you join the 2 to 5 year plan to fabulous luxury, dump that 9 to 5, and join hands with the world's largest 'direct seller.' To learn more fabulous truth about what the 'utopian state' of Amway could mean to you, click here.
Posted by quixtarisacult at 11:39 AM 7 comments Links to this post
Labels: Amway Dreams, Sandcastles
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Amway Tools Systems Based on Methods Developed During the Rise of American Fascism

Are Amway 'systems' based on ideas developed uniquely by Amway? Or did these 'systems' developed and evolve under an earlier more sinister banner? Amway's supposedly unique 'systems,' all an elaborate, thought stopping, reality inverting hoax, are not unique.

Remarkably similar systems were actually developed in the post American Civil War period and were used effectively by the Ku Klux Klan Wizards, many of which grew wealthy selling their newsletters, pamphlets and books, all the while holding huge rallies which became both political and religious soapboxes for the early klan kingpins.

To understand what the Amway World cult is today, one must examine history and understand how Amway is merely an extension of American Fascism and the idea that the tools of economic production and distribution can supposedly be 'commanded' by omnipotent leaders who--much like Amway--demanded strict devotion to the tenants--tapespeak--of their 'way.'

The Rise of American Fascism

American Fascism is founded in mankind's historic class struggles. It appeared at the end of the Civil War, although some forms of fascism may have existed previously. Early American Fascism 'wrapped itself in the American flag,' naming their right wing movement so as to 'shock' the senses of those encountering their ideologies for the first time and playing on radical themes of patriotism. The Ku Klux Klan was the most well known representative of early American Fascism, although hardly unique as any number of other groups emerged both in the United States and elsewhere.

The history of American Fascism has had two distinct eras; the first of which occurred in the aftermath of the American Civil War, while the second occurred during the post World War I era. The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan emerged at the dawn of the 20Th century, reaching their zenith during the rise of Nazi and Fascist movements in central Europe. The Ku Klux Klan all but disappeared, understandably, in the years leading up to U.S. involvement in the Second World War, the result of growing hatred for European style Fascism under Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

It was during the developing stages of the post Civil War period of the Ku Klux Klan, that many 'systems' were developed by the early 'wizards.' These wizards were the Klan 'kingpins' that headed up organizations which followed an hierarchy of 'levels', similar to organizations today such as the Costa Nostras families, and Amway which is also headed up by criminogenic 'families.' These early clan wizards developed systems which made many of these early 'kingpins' wealthy men for their times. Oddly enough, many felt that these earlier kingpins were indeed scoundrels, much like the disdain many enlightened people have for modern day kingpins in multilevel marketing.

Selling 'the Klan Plan,' the language of the movement was soon discovered to be a lucrative business, prompting the production of pamphlets, booklets and other materials, all written to spur on the new adherents of the 'rightest' movements, and promote the ultimate rise of American Fascism. The clan kingpins organized large rallies and became the keynote speakers.

Rallies being held in both Europe and the United States at the time adopted the torch, a form of 'candle lighting religious ceremony' that still exists in the present day Amway rally, both representing a propagandised, politically enthusiastic, religious experience, all ending in a self glorifying crescendo. As a movement, American Fascism lives on in the Amway Rally as well as other gung-ho MLM marketing organizations.

The first era of the KKK had pretty much disappeared prior to the beginning of the First World War, all giving rise to the Second Klan era, which is described as the 'rise of American Fascism'.

Fascism, an ideology--based in part on social pseudo science and command style economic theory--developed simultaneously in Italy, Germany and in the United States. American Fascism has been considered a very controversial subject by many scholars. They would like to represent that American Fascism wasn't evil, and that command style fascism was responsible for the 'New Deal' and the reforms of the FDR era. The idea that governments could and should maintain control over the economic machinery of the Nation was exemplified by the Italian dictator Mussolini. Fascist thinking, in light of the times of economic upheaval, was taken very seriously, even in the United States, and was viewed by many as a means to pull the economies of the World out of the turmoil of the Great Depression.

The second era of Klan, much like the Fascist movement in Italy, sought political power and has been described as a 'Right Wing' political movement. The social and political sentiment of the time gave rise to the American Nazi Party who organized themselves in similar fashion to the Klan. Both organizations founded upon the principles of discrimination--either you are with us or you are our enemy. In so many ways, the early Nazi movement and the second coming of the Klan were mirror images of one another, a fascist brotherhood. Scientology and 'Amwayology' have also been described as modern day mirror images of one another.

The Klan and the American Nazi eras have ended, but American Fascism, at least as a movement, still exists. It has lived on under the banner of 'the American Way.' Now operating as a World Cult, Amway remains a criminogenic Utopian regime, that has left in its wake countless victims in what Amway critic David Brear has described as the 'financial holocaust.'

Have you been approached for recruitment into the modern day equivalent of American Fascism? Remember, to be forewarned is to be forearmed. Don't let the 'financial holocaust' be played out in your lifetime. The American Way leaders would have you believe that their movement has your best interests at heart. Don't be deceived. Millions already have fallen prey, while billions have been extracted by these Ada, Michigan based cult initiators and their kingpin cronies. Their rally cry has always been that they want to help you succeed. They really succeed in helping themselves to your cash and have left a historically verifiable trail of failure for those foolish enough to 'believe!'
Posted by quixtarisacult at 6:53 PM 2 comments Links to this post
Labels: Amway Corruption, Kingpin Corruption, The Business Cult, Tool Kingpins, Tool Scam
Monday, July 6, 2009
The Smoke and Mirrors of Scientology and Amway

Possibly the most well known of cyber battles in the Internet era has been the struggle between ‘Anonymous’ and ‘Scientology.’ Anonymous might be described as a movement of non-violent detractors who come together in a common cause to reveal the 'dark side' of Scientology and form a ‘Yang’ for the Scientology ‘Ying.’ There’s nothing unusual about large cults drawing detractors. All cults seek to control the information and thereby disguise ‘their dark side.’

Cults like Scientology throw up ‘smoke and mirrors’ and seek to ‘monopolize’ information revealed about themselves. They generally seek to isolate their cult initiates from information that is critical of their criminogenic ‘dark side’. They always seek to monopolize the mind of their adherents. It is only when the cultic leaders loose control of their ‘monopoly’ of information that their plans perish. Reference the infamous Jim Jones’s of The People’s Temple? When Jones had discovered that his monopoly of information had disappeared as ‘critical scrutiny’arose, he chose to implode his cult, refusing to be held to account for fraud, subsequent misdeeds and, in the end, murder.

Scientology is an insane denial of advancements in science and technology, especially in the field of psychiatry and psychology. Adherents of Scientology are asked to believe some of the most intellectually mind-numbing myths ever presented to mankind as religion.

Amway, is the ‘religion of business.’ Scientology is the ‘business of religion.’ When Amway looks in the mirror, the image of Scientology looks back. This gives new meaning to the expression ‘smoke and mirrors.’ The smoke seeks to disguise the ‘dark side’ of both cults. For more information about Scientology and Amway click here.
Posted by quixtarisacult at 10:43 AM 1 comments Links to this post
Labels: American Scam, Amway Corruption, Amway Global
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Amway Global Incorporates Fraud to Make Claim to be #1 Online Retailer of Health and Beauty Products

It has been reported that only 3 to 4 percent of Amway's sales are made to persons outside of Amway's 'distributor' networks. So, in other words, 96 to 97 percent of all of Amway's sales are made to the distributors themselves, who in the end sell and 'distribute' next to nothing to non-distributor true 'retail' customers. Therefore, these so called 'distributors' end up being the end 'retail' consumers themselves. These sales--which are contracted online--are not technically made at retail, but at 'distributor' discount; or if you prefer at the 'middleman' price.

Amway promotes a fraud of titanic proportions by claiming to be the '#1 online retailer of health and beauty products,' an incredible lie that even the IBO 'distributors' themselves seem to accept, although they are clearly not 'retail' customers, and they generally only manage to make token sales to actual retail customers.

Amway Global is selling 96 to 97% of their health and beauty products to their own 'supposed' distributors, clearly the middleman in Amway's failed distribution system. Only when any of these middlemen distributors make a sale at the suggested retail price, can these product sales be considered 'retail.'

Isn't Amway Global guilty of false advertising? Shouldn't an investigation be launched into these patently fraudulent claims? Claiming to be the #1 Online retailer in health and beauty is an ironic lie, and in my opinion deserves to have the federal regulators look into this matter.

What is amazing here is that Amway's prosperity dream duped 'defacto slaves' buy all the overpriced, mundane products and then accept being called 'retail' customers by Amway Global in many of their reality inverting online claims to be #1. These folks end up being the end consumer of hugely unsellable products in order to participate in Amway's 'closed market swindle' where they are the only customers of any significance that Amway has to brag about. Indeed, economists might accurately describe Amway products as being sold in a monopoly market. Those familiar with Amway know that IBO/ABO 'distributors' are taught to exclude 'negative' (brick and mortar) products from their homes and only buy through Amway. It has been reported reliably that Amway 'upline' distributors many times audit (inspect the homes of their downline 'distributors) to determine if these guidelines are being strictly followed.

It is this author's belief that Amway's Nutrilite and Artistry brands are not exclusive--unique--products, and can indeed be compared to hundreds of vitamin supplements and makeup products currently sold nationwide through traditional distribution methods. Avon, I believe actually sells more makeup, and as far as vitamin supplements are concerned, Nutrilite is well behind in market share compared to the well known 'One-a-Day' brand (to name just one competitor from amongst hundreds that market vitamin and health supplements).

Obviously the Federal Trade Commission seemingly has no problem with Amway representing their sales to Amway distributors as retail sales. They have done nothing to put a stop to this incredible consumer fraud. Could it be that they believe that all these IBO customers only sign up as distributors to receive the 'distributor' discount?

Allowing Amway to use blatent fraud of this type only serves to permit others to become victimized by Amway's incredible 'closed market swindle,' which is wide scale 'consumer' fraud!

The fact that Amway openly describes their distributor sales force as 'retail' should say it all! The fact that the dupes buying the overpriced mundane makeup and vitamins allow themselves to be called retail customers seems to signify exactly what kind of pyramid scheme Amway is operating. To Amway, all purchases made through their online order system are considered final 'retail' sales, even though those people doing the buying are technically not the retail customers Amway should be boasting about. The Amway products are priced so as to make further retail sales beyond the distributors nearly impossible. It is only Amway's monopolistic 'closed market' which makes these sales possible in the first place. Now you know!
Posted by quixtarisacult at 2:32 PM 1 comments Links to this post
Labels: American Scam, Amway Corruption, FTC Complaint, Merchants of Deception, MLM pyramid scams, monopoly business
Monday, June 1, 2009
How Amway Global Recruiters Lie As Told By Recurited IBO Eight Months Later

Is Amway Global all it is cracked up to be? Do Amway IBO recruiters tell the truth when recruiting new prospects? You be the judge. The following review of Quixtar--Amway Global can be read on Ebay Reviews. Fellow blogger and Amway critic, Joecool, re-published this review recently on his The Truth About the Amway Global Opportunity blog. The original review by 'Randall' can be read by clicking here. This is what Randal, an IBO for eight months said:

The Problems I have with the Quixtar/Amway System

I was signed up with Quixtar for 8 months or so, and had a huge problem with everything they are and everything they stand for. In my opinion, and I’m sure many people disagree with me, Quixtar/Amway is one of the worst scams to hit North America… Ever!

1. They Sell Hope to People Who Need it The Most: The recruiters tell you how easy it is, how little time it takes, and how a 6-figure income is just around the corner. What they don’t tell you is how much it costs in the long run, how many tapes, books, etc… you’re going to have to buy, and how hard it is to recruit people.

2. 1 Hour a Week: Yeah right, they glamorize how little time you have to spend talking to people to get them to sign up. My recruiter talked drove 2 hours to get to me, 2 hours talking to me, 1 hour signing me up, and 2 hours driving home. Wow… 1 hour a week, and he’s experienced.

3. Highest Quality Products Available: In what world? These products aren’t any better than the products you buy in stores, I tested the laundry detergent on two brand new shirts and the Quixtar brand faded a lot quicker than Tide.

4. Lower than Costco Prices: In what century? The prices are unbelievably high. When I asked my recruiter why he told me that the prices are a little higher because they save us time and gas money. What?

5. Products not available anywhere else: Only if you don’t know where to look, all the supplements I signed up to receive at discount prices were available online for ¾ of the price Quixtar offered them.

6. Food Products Are Delicious: Nope, sorry, no way. These products were disgusting, worst protein shakes ever, the candy was stale, and the energy drinks tasted like battery acid.

7. They’ll Ship Right to Your Door, Even if you Live out of Town: Wrong again, I live 5 minutes out of town and I had to meet the delivery guy at the bus station. I wouldn’t be upset about this, but my Recruiter promised me that he would make sure the products were delivered to my door.

8. 6-Figure Income: The average salary of a Quixtar IBO is $115 a month. You spend at least $180 a month getting your 20 points, so most members are in the hole $65 every month.

9. Success: This is the main beef I have with Quixtar. The success of the people at the top is dependant on the failure of the people at the bottom. Top level Quixtar members can make up to $150,000 a month, but the majority of people are losing up to $200 a month. That’s what keeps the system in perfect balance.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this read, if you’re looking for more info on the Quixtar “Opportunity” google Dateline Quixtar.

Thank you,

Randall, of Randalls-eBooks

P.S. Please Vote if your found this guide helpful, and please don’t hesitate to contact me with your questions or comments

I am sure that there are countless others who have discovered what Randall discovered after being lead down the primrose path by an Amway Global Recruiter. Exagerations are really lies aren't they? The title to Eric Scheibler's free ebook, Merchants of Deception, truly applies to Randall's recruitment. Have you been prospected for the glorious Amway opportunity? If you have, word to the wise!

Posted by quixtarisacult at 5:55 AM 11 comments Links to this post
Labels: Amway Corruption, Recruitment Misrepresentations, recruitment scam, Whistle Blowers
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Amway Violates India Statutes While Representing Their 'Closed Market Swindle' as 'Free Enterprise'

India is truly a remarkable country. Possibly readers might not realize that India is the largest democracy in the world, having a diverse population which is only second to China in total number. India boasts the fastest growing economy in the world for some years running. Also India is home of the hospitals of the world, possessing one the most efficient health care systems available anywhere. If all of this wasn't incredible enough, India is home to the largest motion picture industry anywhere, producing more movies and features than even Hollywood USA.

A fellow of India, Shyam Sundar, a retired journalist, has taken a stand to warn his fellow citizens about the menace that Amway and others MLM frauds represent. Shyam describes Amway's purposeful violation of Indian law to those citizens wise enough to hear his message. Amway in a recent press release is seeking to have their direct marketing swindle 'regulated' and therefore 'legitimized' in India.

Pride, hard work and the 'themes of social justice' have made India one of the grandest of recent world success stories, all balanced by their historical struggles and the wisdom of the past personafied in Mahatma Gandhi. Indeed, the best legal minds of India, the High Justices have held in a 2-1 majority opinion that Amway violates India's laws against money circulating 'prize chit' schemes. Shyam points out that it is crucial that Amway advertisement be strictly forbidden in India as it promotes a violation of India law, the bedrock of India's democratic republc.
Promoting crime is in and of itself a crime, and I expect that the proposed ban in India should be imposed, all in compliance with Republic of India statue.

Shyam Sundar has in the past revealed to a world wide audience, the white underbelly of 'money circulating' schemes; more commonly referred to as 'pyramid schemes' in the United States. Amway, permitted to operate their carefully disguised and conceived systematic swindle as a 'legitimate' business in the United States for what they themselves represent to be 'fifty years'. The Utopian State of Amway, a labyrinth of independent corporate structures, now operate a world class' racketeering operation. Only in recent times have the nature of cults been revealed, described and somewhat understood. The white underbelly of corruption is an open secret, much more pernicious than one might at first believe. Amway corruption operating on a scale so vast as to be imaginable!

There is nothing original about Amway, which in many ways is an extension of American Fascism, all carefully disguised as capitalistic free enterprise. The Amway Labyrinth is correctly described as being organized along 'mafia' lines by law professor G. Robert Blakey. Amway, the twenty first century version of the Cosa Nostra, now operating their closed market swindle world wide. Where the Godfather saga seems to end, Amway corruption expands unmolested, except of course by the wisdom of Gandhi's India.

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