Another racketeer a la Amway style
Recently, another racketeer entered the Indian market with yet another scheme. This is time, the racketeers targeted women. Every woman, particularly from middle class and upper middle class purchases sanitary napkins. Winalite, a USA-based company launched its product LoveMoon sanitary napkins in India. They have chosen the network marketing and are target ting women. Now, women are being approached to become member of the scheme by paying Rs. 4,400 and she would be given 16 sanitary napkins. She can use them for herself and sell to others. What is more, she has to recruit five members and they in turn have to recruit five members each. So, the chain system started.
Rings any bell. Yes. This is the duplicate business model of Amway India. That is why I branded Amway as the mother of all scandals.
Now, these women, out of overzeal to recruit more women, do not hesitate to rope in their friends and relatives and wives of their husband's subordinates into the business. Eventually, the endless chain breaks somewhere, leading to the great rupture in the society.
My dear sisters all over world! Just reject this offer of easy and quick money business model. It is going make you lose all your money and lead to broken relationships. Just say NO.
Amway apologist regurgitates sugar-coated poison
Some of your readers must now be wondering if the naive young character, Trivedi, who keeps making his pathetic scripted interjections on your Blog, really exists. For how is it possible that any adult can thoughtlessly continue to regurgitate this endless stream of sugar-coated poison carefully-prepared by the 'Amway' Ministry of Truth?
The answer to is, of couse, that the poor fellow still needs to remain living in the closed-logic 'Amway Dream' world where only unquestioning believers in 'Multilevel Marketing' can achieve its promised Utopia of 'Total Financial Freedom .' In the classic 'Amway' fashion, Trivedi will have almost certainly been trained to fix a poster depicting his 'Dream' (usually, an exotic and macho sports car) in a prominent place in his home, and to focus completely on this (so-called) 'motivational image' for an extended period each day. The 'Amway' myth systematically categorizes and condemns anyone challenging its authenticity as a 'Dream Stealer.' Indeed, one of the most-peddled books within 'Amway' is entitled, 'Don't Let Anyone Steal Your Dream' - a typical instruction manual in how to stop thinking critically, disguised as 'Motivation/Self-Betterment.'
Sadly, down the years, all the vulnerable people who have swallowed this sugar-coated poison -and focused all their attention (and effort) on their guided 'Amway Dreams' (ignoring the common-sense warnings of their friends and relations) whilst handing their money to the billionaire 'Amway' bosses - might as well have been praying to the 'God Mammon.'
In the adult world of quantifiable reality, if we set up a simple money circulation scheme, where we persuade 6 people to pay us $200 per month by telling them that 'if they recruit 6 more $200 monthly contributors, who then recruit 6 more $200 monthly contributors, etc., ad infinitum, they can soon retire on a percentage of the take,' we would be breaking the law. However, if we persuade the same 6 people to pay us $200 per month by telling them the identical lies, but (at the same time) give them boxes of (effectively) worthless merchandise and record all these pointless transactions as 'sales,' then, according to Trivedi, 'this is a perfectly viable and legal Direct Selling Scheme.'
Perhaps, in order to stimulate his snoozing critical and evaluative faculties, we should ask Trivedi if he can first accept that:
- major organized crime groups exist ?
- it is possible for the bosses of a major organized group to camouflage and sustain a money circulation scheme (or pyramid scam) by steadfastly pretending that (effectively) worthless merchandise is 'good-value' and that illegal payments are 'sales' ?
Clueless Amway apologists are real cheats
This is for waking up Clueless Amway apologist. Of course, a pretending person could not be woken up. In a nutshell, in the case of (2008) 8 SCC 2008), Kuriachan Chacko and others .. Versus State Of Kerala, The Supreme Court of India categorically stated why a multilevel marketing or network marketing is a crime of cheating under Section 420 of Indian Penal Code.
"The promoters of the scheme very well knew that it is certain that the Scheme was impracticable and unworkable making tall promises which the makers of the promises knew fully well that it could not work successfully. It could work for some time in that "Paul can be robbed to pay Peter" but ultimately when there is a large mass of Peters, they will be left in the lurch without any remedy as they would by then have been deceived and deprived of their money. If it is so. It could be said to be a case for application of Section 420 read with Section 34 IPC. of course, at this stage. (Paras 47 and 41)"
The same is the case with business model of Amway. These Clueless Amway apologist could not clarify why he is supporting a fraudulent company and what is his stake in it. These faceless, nameless, dishonest people have no right to question the authenticity of court judgements.
My humble appeal to people all over world is to throw these fraudulent companies like Amway, Tupperware, Herbalife, Forever Living Products, MyVideoTalk and so many others.
Clueless Amway apologists have no point to prove their case
The clueless Amway apolgoist proved once again that he does not have any thinking brain. It is not me or Brear who is saying the business model of Amway India is an illegal money circulation scheme. It was the Andhra Pradesh High Court conclusively proved that the business model is nothing but money circulation scheme following the writ petition filed by Amway India. The High Court also directed the police to file the criminal case and take it to logical conclusion. These pigheaded Amway apologists cannot say anything but only are trying to discredit the writings of Brear and me.
But my readers are well aware of the cunning ways of these apologists and they laughing it off.
My fight against these fraudulent companies would continue whatever these chicken-brained write because of my transparent blog.
I reiterate my appeal to my fellow human beings all over world to throw such fraudulent companies out of their respective countries. Do not fall prey to these cheating schemes and lose the hard-earned money.
Amway apologists exhibit intellectual castration
Frightening isn't it, the effect of cultic, intellectual castration - as exhibited by your tiny flock of resident 'Amway' apologists?
Every (previously-rational) person who has lost money to the 'Amway' bosses down the years, would never have done so had they been given access to the truth that is (effectively) impossible to sell 'Amway' products or to make a net-profit from 'Amway'. Despite these undisputed facts, young Trivedi remains totally hypnotised by the comic-book propaganda that 'Amway' produces millionaires, because the whole world is clamouring to get its hands on all those wonderful cheap 'Amway' products.
In the sad little, narcissistic world according to Mr. 'Tex' Johnson, 'everyone is an idiot except him'. It's quite ironic that he is completely unaware that, originally, the word 'idiot' didn't have a pejorative sense. Given Johnson's puerile and abusive track-record, it is about as likely that I would accept an invitation to talk with 'Tex' : as Nelson Madela volunteering to be seen to associate with a hooded, core-adherent of the 'Ku Klux Klan' (for fear of being called a 'chicken.')
Amway's Masked man starts squawking again
I observe that Lord Haw Haw, Steadson, has raised his masked head again to squawk. This time he put his foot in his beak and surpassed himself in his capacity to invert quantifiable reality and systematically categorize the truth and truth-tellers as 'lies' and 'liars'.
No one can dispute that, for decades, the 'Amway' Ministry of Truth has proudly proclaimed 'millions of Independent Business Owners' world-wide (including '450 000 in India') conducting 'multi-billion dollar sales.' However, since (according to 'Amway's' own figures) around 50% of these people never renewed their annual contracts, this means that down the years tens of millions of individuals have been quietly churned through the ever-shifting 'Amway' system. Again, no one (not even the 'Amway' Lord Haw Haw) disputes that, for 50 years, virtually no 'Amway' products have been retailed to anyone who is not an agent of 'Amway' and that the overwhelming majority of people who have signed a contract with 'Amway' have received not one cent of overall profit from the operation of a so-called 'Amway Business.' On the contrary, involvement with 'Amway' has cost them money.
Despite the efforts of the 'Amway' mob's echelon of attorneys to maintain the organization's absolute monopoly of information, the Internet (particularly e-bay) is constantly infested with thousands of former 'Amway' adherents trying to unload (effectively) unsaleable 'Amway' rubbish at a fraction of the controlled price which they originally paid for it. However, in a desperate attempt to prove that 'Amway' is not an unviable, and illegal, closed-market (a money circulation scheme camouflaged by banal, but grossly-overpriced, products), Steadson has revealed himself to be a complete twit. In fact, judging by this latest ridiculous performance, I can't believe that the billionaire bosses of the 'Amway' mob will allow him to continue for much longer. For Steadson now boasts that the vast majority of all the tens of millions of transient contributors to the 'Amway' closed-market whom, for 50 years, the 'Amway' Ministry of Truth have proudly proclaimed as 'Independent Business Owners' weren't actually in 'Business' at all, they were really 'customers.' Unfortunately for Steadson, it never said that in their 'Amway' contracts. All these tens of millions of people were all arbitrarily and maliciously defined as 'Business Owners' by the billionaire bosses of the 'Amway' mob in order to avoid investigation and criminal prosecution under US federal laws prohibiting closed market swindles a.k.a. pyramid scams. Thus, the 'Amway' Lord Haw Haw has painted himself into a corner where he has been obliged to accept that decades of 'Amway Business Owner Contracts' were lies.
In other words, Steadson has just inadvertently broadcast to the world that the bosses of the 'Amway' mob have been committing crime for 50 years, because lying to people in order to take their money is fraud which is a form of theft.
The 'Amway' Lord Haw Haw will, of course, now compound his offence by totally denying what he has said whilst accusing me of 'ranting, twisting his words and denying reality.'
Amway fraud, one of the biggest scandals
I observe that your naive young friend, Trivedi, now wants to know from where in the world comes the conclusion that 'Amway' has insufficient external revenue to pay the majority of its contributing participants (a profit)? Although the poor boy still feels obliged to refer to the victims of the 'Amway' scam as 'IBOs (Independent Business Owners )' -, a reality-inverting term invented by skilled racketeers to hide their crime. (Remember, in 1920s Chicago the 'Mobs' referred to their protection rackets as 'Selling Insurance' and their victims as 'Policy Holders' )
Trivedi, not even 'Amway's' own lawyers dispute the simple fact that, for more than 50 years, there have been virtually no 'Amway' products retailed to persons who are not agents of 'Amway.' In order to maintain this situation, production distribution and exchange in the 'Amway' economic system has been centrally-controlled from Ada Michigan. This (effectively) hermetic system has had no real source of external revenue whatsoever and has been, therefore, completely unviable and illegal. Given half a century of damning evidence, coupled with the capacity to use one's critical and evaluative faculties, no other conclusion can be drawn. Tellingly, all the decades of impressive 'sales figures' issued by the 'Amway' Ministry of Truth, deliberately never made any distinction between economically-incestuous internal sales to the organization's own agents and economically-healthy external retail sales to non-agents. However, in the 1970s, US Federal Trade Commission economists finally established (after years of scratching their heads) that 70% is the necessary minimum level of genuine retail sales to non-agents which any direct selling scheme must consistently maintain, in order for it to be viable and legal. 'Amway' had long-since been investigated by FTC agents who found that the percentage of genuine 'Amway' retail sales to non-adherents in the USA hadn't even achieved double figures. In order to avoid immediate closure and criminal investigation, and prosecution under federal anti-pyramid schemes legislation, the 'Amway' bosses simply pretended affinity with US federal agents. In 1979, they put up their hands in court and drafted a 'rule' which appeared to make it (henceforth) mandatory for all American 'Amway' agents to retail 70% of there own purchases in order for them to receive commission payments from 'Amway,' but, laughably, this rule has never been enforced. The FTC has recently turned a blind eye to 'Amway' and to other copy-cat frauds, because huge amounts of stolen 'MLM' cash have found their way into the coffers of the Republican party.
Trivedi, an unviable closed-market can be reduced to the following simple explanation which even the average 10 year old child can understand, but apparently you still don't want to accept:
If 10 people each put 10 coins on a table, no matter how you divide up the resulting 100 coins there is no way (unless you are a superhuman who can suspend the laws of physics and who can create more coins miraculously), that a majority of the contributors can receive more coins than they started with.
The whole of the fiercely-complex, so-called 'Amway Compensation Plan' (in which contributing participants of the closed 'Amway' market are offered escalating payments depending on how many more contributing participants they recruit) is just mathematical hocus-pocus designed to shut down the critical and evaluative faculties of 'Amway' victims and casual observers. What the bosses of the 'Amway' mob have got away with for more than 50 years is essentially what Bernie Madoff got away with for two decades. They have peddled infinite shares in their victims' own finite money. Madoff called his closed-market victims, 'Investors', the 'Amway' bosses call them 'IBOs'. Unlike the Madoff scam, the 'Amway' scam has never collapsed, because more and more people have continued to be churned through it and because the accurate deconstructed explanation has remained beyond the understanding of the both victims and law enforcement agents.
The 'Amway' fraud remains (potentially) one of the biggest scandals in American history. Fortunately, there are far too many people now around the world who understand exactly how it works, for it to remain hidden for much longer.
So far Trivedi, your little role in all of this is nothing to be proud of.
Amway has insufficient external revenue to pay majority of IBOs
The recent deluge of scripted protestations raining upon your Blog from the 'Amway' Ministry of Truth, via the castrated mind of young Trivedi, is yet more damning evidence of how effective cultic groups are at exploiting individuals by ritualizing their means of thought. When this wide-eyed fellow fell for the 'Amway' myth, he obviously didn't have the beginings of a clue as to what the essential identifying characteristic of a mathematically impossible (and, therefore, illegal) money circulation scheme is. However, this is nothing to be ashamed of, because very few people do.
That said, young Trivedi appears to be a classic mark for the 'Amway' racketeers, in that his own ego will now not allow him to admit that he was just another greedy little twit (without two rupees to scratch his backside) who was easily seduced by 'Amway's' reality-inverting, pretty words and images constantly depicting a future, secure, Utopian existence where no one works, but every happy couple wears his and hers Rolex watches, drives his and hers luxury cars and lazes beside the pool in their spotless mansions.
All Trivedi has to do to glimpse the ugly reality lurking behind this puerile comic-book fantasy, is just go and look on e-bay (in the UK, USA, Australia, etc.) where he will see thousands of (untouched) banal 'Amway' products being offered at prices which are a fraction of those being gathered by the billionaire bosses of the 'Amway' mob. This effectively unsaleable wampum is constantly being unloaded on e-bay by twits like Trivedi who once fell for the 'Amway' myth and who were deceived into buying grossly-overpriced products and attempting to recruit their friends and relations to do the same, ad infinitum, in the false belief that this 'Proven Plan of Duplication' would lead to 'Total Financial Freedom.'
Participants in the illegal 'Amway' money circulation scheme might as well have been given boxes of fresh-air in return for their payments.
This brings us back to the simple fact that, for more than 50 years, virtually no 'Amway' products have been retailed by 'Amway' adherents to non-'Amway' adherents. Thus, the only real money entering the parallel 'Amway' economy has come from 'Amway's' own non-salaried commission agents. No matter how this finite quantity of money has been divided up by the all-powerful bosses of the 'Amway' mob, the majority of 'Amway's' powerless participants have not received a profit, because it was a mathematical impossibility for them to do so.
Notice Trivedi, not even 'Amway's' lawyers attempt to dispute this.
The essential identifying characteristic of an illegal money circulation scheme is that it has insufficient external revenue to pay the majority of its contributing participants a profit.
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
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