Monday, 27 July 2009

How The Laws of Attraction Fit the BE DO HAVE Philosophy

Popularized in The Secret movie and book, the concept of “Be Do Have” has created a great deal of controversy. There are those that believe, those that don’t and those that want to believe but can’t figure out how to apply it in their lives. Whichever group you fall into, I say … Great!

Turning people’s attention toward the possibilities has given each of us as individuals the opportunity to assess our beliefs. In the process, you decide. Either way, it brings you to YOUR truth and that’s all that matters. The ultimate outcome is you live your life more consciously and that is the only agenda I have. That is my mission.

My mission is to help people like YOU live consciously. Decide how to live life, realize who you really are and the ability, no the *power* you have to create a lifestyle you want, rather than be a victim to the external circumstances that surround you. Just be open enough to consider for a moment the possibility that you are not a victim to your circumstances.

Every Moment Is A New Moment So The Past Does Not Equal The Future

For years people have commonly assumed, thought, and been culturally programmed to believe that

■IF they HAVE what they want (car, house, boat),
■they will be able to DO what they want (play with their friends),
■only then will they BE what they want (happy).
Hence, the underlying assumption that external factors dictate or *cause* internal responses. In other words, my happiness *depends* on what is happening in my life on the outside.

Well following that logic will only cause misery and heartache and unhappiness, because you cannot control every-thing and every-one in your environment. Nor is it fathomable to think you can or have a right to dictate what another chooses to create in their life. You are setting yourself up for failure right from the start.

In essence, the basic tenets of the BE DO HAVE philosophy is that the order is actually reversed from what people previously believed for years. Try this on for size …

■First, you allow yourself to BE in a state of mind (happy, content, without inner conflict of intention)
■which will inspire you to DO whatever it takes (work hard, start an online business, buy property, visit an orphanage)
■to attract what you really want to HAVE in your life (financial security, world peace, a rewarding relationship, help others).
And that pertains to all areas of your life, not just financial. Hence, the underlying assumption that the only thing you *can* control is YOU, and more specifically, what about you? … your thoughts. You can only control what you choose to focus on. And yes, you do have a choice. Let’s explore that a bit further, shall we.

Psychology – Perception is Selective

Many theories in psychology academia concur that perception is selective. Well, who cares what they say … what’s your experience? Don’t give up your power to others. Go within. Trust yourself. Look to your own experience, your own feelings. So, let’s see … in your environment right now, there is (let’s just say) 1 million pieces of information and for whatever reason, you choose 100 of them to give your attention.

For example, what does the tip of your toe feel like right now? Can you feel it? Now that “feeling” was a piece of information that was in your environment, being processed, before I drew your attention to it, but it wasn’t until I mentioned it, that you became *aware* of it. It wasn’t until you focussed on it, that you became *conscious* of it.

I remember, when we bought a new red Mitsubishi I started seeing them everywhere and yet I had never noticed them before. Well, do you think everyone went out and bought one the same day I did? No. That piece of information in my environment became more relevant to me personally and so I noticed that. See what I mean? Focus influences perception.

Well, given that you actually have a choice, you have two options: You can choose to focus on the positive aspects of a particular subject or you can choose to focus on the negative aspects. They are both there – no denying. One is no more real than another. It always astounds me that people say “I’m a realist” when they are really justifying their choice to focus on the negative. The fact of the matter is … one is no more *real* than the other, because nothing is really real; it’s all relative. Because the way you see something may be different from how I see it. You may see something as negative and I may see it as positive. So what is real? We won’t go there right now. We’d never come back.

The point is .. you have a choice of what to focus on in your mind. You can direct your thoughts. It takes discipline to constantly focus on the positive aspects, that’s true, but the effort is worth it because of the influence it has on your vibration – the rate at which energy vibrates. Now don’t be scared off by that term. It’s not heeby jeeby; it’s actually quite logical and firmly based in the scientific realm of quantum physics. Stay with me here and let me explain.

Science – Energy Vibrates Predictably

We all know that energy is the building blocks of the universe, right? We are all energy. Everything is energy. Every single atom, molecule, quark … (you know all those funny named balls you memorized for the science exam) is made up of energy vibrating at different speeds. Well, now scientific studies are confirming theories regarding the influence of our thoughts on the energy within us and also around us. Turns out, what you focus on in your thoughts has an influence on how fast those molecules vibrate, it has an influence on the energy you emit into the universe.

Now the ramifications of chasing down that rabbit hole are outside the scope of this article, but it is an incredibly interesting study to find out how the world works. I’ll add some links later that go into this subject further.

In fact, more than interesting, a thorough understanding would empower you to consciously control your energy vibration and hence attract or create a life that you want. Mmmmm??? Now that’s starting to sound an awful lot like thoughts attracting results to me. Go figure.

Hence, the evolution of our universal beliefs about HOW the world works. Given that one theory sets you up for failure and the other sets you up for happiness, or at least the positive side of the scale, it seems logical to choose to follow the Be Do Have Model of Thought. In studying and applying this model, you will come to understand how The Secret of How to Apply the Law of Attraction so you can create a life that you want – maybe even a Dream Lifestyle

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